Example sentences of "[not/n't] previously " in BNC.

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1 Dáil members would act on a decision of the hierarchy once that hierarchy had said the teaching of the church was at issue , providing of course that the area in question was a grey one , a new territory not previously covered by the generally accepted sacred-profane spheres .
2 Sometimes a tool was ground after a breakage or similar accident , and the resulting shape would allow a usage not previously possible , and may even have become a treasured ‘ special ’ .
3 The reductions will normally be worked out automatically before you receive your bill and you will not need to make a claim , but some people who did not previously pay rates , and who are pensioners or disabled people , can apply to the council for extra help as explained below .
4 The new trains on the Provincial routes therefore had a market with a degree of positive elasticity not previously enjoyed .
5 It meant that Yorkshire , if not previously committed to open plan , had no choice than to adopt one .
6 PEOPLE OVER 50 who have not previously had any further or higher education should be entitled to spend a year at college , with their fees and maintenance paid by the state , a new pamphlet argues .
7 The allegations that Mr Singh , a former Congress ( I ) finance minister , had stashed millions of dollars in a numbered St Kitts account , were made in August in the Arab Times of Kuwait , not previously known for its scoops about India .
8 And in understanding the old picture so vividly , he has prepared us to appreciate , and to understand , many things which we either could not previously have hoped to understand , or which we had been looking at with half-open eyes .
9 A new Jump Pattern has been worked out and some new races created specifically for horses whose optimum trip is two and a half miles , a distance not previously catered for at championship level both over hurdles and fences , although there will still be nothing for novice chasers over that distance at the Cheltenham Festival .
10 There is a defence for a young man under 24 who has not previously been charged with a similar offence and who believes that the girl is 16 years old .
11 Certainly , the multi-studio techniques used for the famous 1959 Decca Aida were meat and drink to Karajan ; and although he sometimes thought he knew more than he did , occasionally putting paid to expensive equipment , his mastery was of an order not previously seen in a working musician .
12 And if she was n't making her own clothes , she was determined to back her country folk and wear designer gear from Down Under , not previously known as a stronghold in fashion terms .
13 The members purchase shares for cash , and among the most promising results have been the emergence of a new entrepreneurial confidence , and the identification of investment possibilities that had not previously been perceived .
14 That was important , but much more important for me was the message that crofting , which I had seen as a hang-over , an anachronism , had enduring values I had not previously recognised .
15 Section 41 regulates the extension of all these provisions to juveniles up to the age of 21 even when support was not previously received below the age of 18 .
16 By using computer simulations , researchers can rapidly acquire a body of knowledge not previously available to them through traditional laboratory methods , and explore chemical events that would otherwise be too dangerous , speculative or costly to pursue .
17 In this way the Union successfully mobilized the population to take control in a way it had never done before , and to identify and overcome both health and social problems which had not previously been tackled .
18 This procedure , it might be supposed , would ensure repeated experience of novelty and should thus be especially effective in reducing neophobia to a test flavour not previously experienced .
19 On the test session , subjects in one group continued with this same arrangement but for subjects in the critical experimental condition the stimuli were presented in the contexts in which they had not previously occurred .
20 They argued , first , that pre-exposure to a context will reduce the extent to which a subject is likely to learn about it ( see Balaz , Capra , Kasprow , and Miller 1982 ) ; second , that presenting reinforcers ( shocks in this experiment ) in a context in which they had not previously occurred is functionally equivalent to transferring the animal to a physically different context .
21 ‘ Perceptual learning , then , consists of responding to variables of the physical stimulation not previously responded to ’ ( Gibson and Gibson 1955 , p. 34 ) .
22 The YP had not previously been considered a pictorial newspaper , usually resorting to small two column width photographs .
23 The strength of the DCAC was not simply that it had the backing of the existing leadership of anti-Unionist opinion in Derry , but also that it succeeded in attracting new people who had not previously been involved in any kind of political activity but who found unsuspected reservoirs of energy and initiative .
24 The only consolation was that a series of valuable recces had been carried out in an area they had not previously visited .
25 The virus is highly infectious to those who have not previously been exposed to it , but the majority of people have a degree of immunity due to past clinical or symptomless mouth or face infection .
26 You can choose any theme , but it must be original and not previously published .
27 What we have not previously considered is that a cultural trait may have evolved in the way that it has , simply because it is advantageous to itself .
28 Lord Scarman referred to violence and disorder ‘ the like of which had not previously been seen in this century in Britain ’ , while one Conservative MP summed up this orthodox reaction in a parliamentary debate ( on 13 April 1981 ) when he spoke of the riots as ‘ something new and sinister in our long national history ’ .
29 Michael Howard , then a Minister at the Department of the Environment , reported an opinion poll as having found that one-quarter of people who had not previously voted in local elections intended to vote in future as a result of the community charge ( interview on This Week , Next Week , 21 February 1988 ) .
30 John gave the leading part , of the woman whose husband is drowned , to a young dancer he had not previously created for , although he had partnered her in Khadra , Sheilah O'Reilly .
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