Example sentences of "[not/n't] produced " in BNC.

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1 Glaxo has not produced any data about the effect of ranitidine on rats using Astra 's methods , but says there is no evidence that ranitidine promotes the formation of dangerous levels of gastrin at therapeutic doses .
2 The phenomena it explains are given to us in experience ; they are not produced by us , their causes are not directly knowable , and we can only hypothesize , in the terms of our theoretical framework , about what they are .
3 Gassendi does not develop the thought that ‘ the labours of the most outstanding philosophers … need not be considered useless just because they have not produced an Aristotelian knowledge for us so far ; for they have produced another sort which is more true and useful , namely knowledge from experience and the appearance of things . ’
4 Though there are some things which ‘ human agents are concerned in producing ’ , it is plain that ‘ the works of Nature , that is , the far greater parts of the ideas or sensations produced in us , are not produced by , or dependent on , the wills of men ’ .
5 Consistent with its fluidity and lack of strength , leaded bronze is mainly confined to decorative axes requiring detailed casting which were probably not produced for functional use .
6 Crucially , they have not produced , nor do they appear likely to do so , a damaging crisis of legitimacy for the State .
7 Blood from a donor infected within the past three months would not be picked out because the test detected antibodies that are not produced for three months .
8 He added : ‘ The scheme has not produced the numbers expected .
9 In an earlier than expected Commercial Court judgment , Mr Justice Saville found that the members had not produced enough evidence of irregularities in the ‘ LMX spiral ’ , which sends catastrophe risks swirling round the market to stop the usual process of calling on cash deposits to make good syndicate losses .
10 The effects are not produced via the sensory organs as electrical impulses , but through the blood vessels as foreign substances absorbed , for example , by inhalation .
11 It made the marketing of Palestinian goods inside Israel subject to a licence that in practice was only given for produce , like olives , which was not produced by Jews in commercial quantities .
12 Though I had small scale maps at three inches to a mile for some areas they are not produced for all the Sahara , nor could I have afforded the hundred pounds they would have cost if they had been .
13 Figures are not produced for the lengths of old field boundaries removed or watercourses canalised but in 1983 , SAFER Auvergne spent 163,481FF on building new farms and buildings ; 470 , 165FF on irrigation , drainage and straightening water courses ; 1,859,119FF on roads , clearance for cultivation ( scrub etc ? ) and boundary construction , much of it attracting state subsidies .
14 If this were so then these other clubs must have breathed a sigh of relief when City 's books were not produced .
15 This inherited , natural , passive ( the baby has not produced it ) immunity to , for example , measles and whooping cough usually lasts only for a few months after birth .
16 So little bone and teeth remain in buzzard and red kite pellets after digestion , even though prey is known to have been ingested whole , that usable samples are not produced .
17 In some cases , preferences are relatively weak , so that two ordered results are produced ; in others , the preferences are so strong that a second result is not produced .
18 However , there seemed to be a risk of a further overdose because it was clear that this one had not produced the desired effect .
19 But the lack of T-cells which are supposed to recognise foreign pathogens entering the body , means that antibodies made by the B-cells are just not produced .
20 If his claim stands up , it establishes that at least part of the redshift in the light from some astronomical objects is not produced simply by their recession from us in the expanding Universe , and that blunts the cutting edge of the most important tool in observational cosmology .
21 If an inert gas is chosen oxides are not produced by burning .
22 The district council claim that unauthorised use of the farm shop for the sale of goods not produced within the farm holding is not a use ancillary to agricultural use , and is contrary to policies laid down by the district local plan .
23 Its first rail link proposal was not produced until July 1988 and the public furore which followed forced major and extremely expensive changes to the design which have made it financially vulnerable .
24 After that would probably rank the new Cobe evidence , together with earlier results from the same satellite , which showed that the background radiation was indeed thermal , that is it had come from an explosion and was not produced by some other mysterious microwave source .
25 The traditional career patterns followed in this country have not produced ministers or civil servants with either the skills or the experience to perform such a task ; and , moreover , business leaders would not welcome the loss of the freedom to run their affairs as they think best .
26 It is clear , the Revenue says , that the arrangements have not produced the anticipated benefits either in resource costs or customer service .
27 Something which is particularly curious is that increased government expenditure has not produced the egalitarian society which was intended .
28 The predatory spirits , finally , obtain human flesh by invading human territory and seizing , through force , what they have not produced .
29 This means that your body has not produced antibodies to HIV , so you probably have not been infected by the virus .
30 Even volcanoes in areas where there are no established tectonic frontiers are guiltless in this respect : Vesuvius , despite the fact that it buried Pompeii and Herculaneum , Stromboli , Mt Etna and the twin volcanoes of the island of Hawaii have not produced , and do not produce , earthquakes .
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