Example sentences of "[vb -s] force " in BNC.

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1 ‘ My Lords , if one reads the words ‘ the rights ’ at the opening of section 3(1) literally and in isolation from the rest of the section , Mr. Denison 's submission undoubtedly has force .
2 Insofar as it has force by virtue of the potential penalty in expenses , it follows that the earlier in the action the Tender is lodged , the greater the effect which it may have .
3 But the roller is terribly stiff , as if it 's blocked and needs force to work . ’
4 And , and also that , he then goes on to say that the revolution , it is n't , it 's not a re re final thing , it 's not an insurrection , er he says it 's not like writing an essay , you know all these er analogies , that I mean basically the revolution is an over , it needs force er and i it 's , it is a violent , y y you do n't , in order for the revolution to have been a success it , it needs to be
5 If the man uses force or inflicts emotional shock on his wife in order to obtain sex , he is liable to conviction for assault occasioning actual bodily harm or some other offence against the person .
6 ‘ A person is guilty of robbery if he steals , and immediately before or at the time of doing so , and in order to do so , he uses force on any person or puts or seeks to put any person in fear of being then and there subjected to force .
7 A husband who rapes his wife can be prosecuted for assault or an offence against the person if he uses force or injures her .
8 ( ii ) The actor uses force or coercion to accomplish the sexual penetration .
9 ( ii ) The actor uses force or coercion to accomplish the sexual contact .
10 It seems that whether the accused is guilty of robbery if he uses force when escaping is a question for the jury : Hale ( unreported on this point ) .
11 A spiritual movement of independence gathers force underground and comes out into the open , using doubt as its prime organ of propaganda .
12 Blowing right to left across the beach , and slightly on shore , it quickly reaches force 4 or more on about 65% of the afternoons in season , including the odd flat patch when nothing blows at all for six or seven days .
13 Beyond the town quay the strength reaches force 4 to 7 and more during a session ; and it 's not so strong .
14 The argument that cheaper labour costs force manufacture abroad should not be acceptable to us as prospective purchasers .
15 Section 244(1) ( a ) of the Canadian Criminal Code provides : ‘ A person commits an assault when , without the consent of another person , he applies force intentionally to that other person . ’
16 A person is guilty of assault if he intentionally or recklessly — ( a ) applies force to or causes an impact on the body of another ; or ( b ) causes another to believe that any such force or impact is imminent , without the consent of the other or , where the act is likely or intended to cause personal harm , with or without consent .
17 It respects force … .
18 Occasionally consonant and vowel repetitions are employed in a bay which lends force to semantic connections : " solid , so still and stable " ( 2 ) , " sun shone smoothly " ( 2 ) .
19 Every drive , in as much as it is active , sacrifices force and other drives : finally it is checked ; otherwise it would destroy everything through its excessiveness .
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