Example sentences of "[was/were] issued " in BNC.

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1 When these pictures were issued they were indeed contemporary because they were based on the evils of the day .
2 When British Telecom was privatised , shares were issued both in the US and the UK ( and other jurisdictions ) .
3 The bonds were issued seven months ago .
4 No warnings were issued to consumers because earlier advice from the Department of Health about the dangers of salmonella and the importance of cooking eggs thoroughly , was felt to be sufficient , the ministry said .
5 On this day : the Battle of Hastings was fought , 1066 ; Mary , Queen of Scots was tried , 1586 ; Marie Antoinette was tried , 1793 ; bread riots took place in Hyde Park , 1855 ; Oxford degrees were first conferred on women , 192050-pence coins were issued to replace the 10-shilling note , 1969 .
6 In April the Smolensk Party advised the Roslavl' cell that contributions to the Famine were tailing off in the Roslavl' area , so two new directives were issued : first , to collect another famine tax , with every twenty town-workers or employees supporting one hungry child , and every five peasant households contributing for one hungry adult ; second , to hold agitational meetings in all trade-union branches and at village skhod meetings .
7 The government and the TUC were now committed to a concordat to bring inflation down to 5 per cent over three years , while new TUC guidelines were issued over picketing and the operation of the closed shop .
8 Hand guns were issued to all personnel guarding the convoys of lorries .
9 A limited number of these vouchers were issued each year .
10 A senior partner of the defendants endorsed the articled clerk 's advice : the wife later went to other solicitors , and proceedings were issued claiming damages for negligence against the defendants in handling the financial provision side of her divorce .
11 Operational Requirements for the V-bombers were issued in 1946 with an in-service date of the mid-1950s , as required by the Government 's Ten-Year Rule .
12 Prohibitions were issued to prevent the Admiralty from dealing with any case that the Common Law Courts could deal with .
13 Very few licences to take or kill badgers causing damage to crops or stock were issued in practice .
14 But as the intervals between successive Forest Eyres lengthened , special commissions of oyer et terminer were issued to the Justices of the Forest and others .
15 Numerous other licences were issued — to hawk , fell and sell woods , plough up pastures , enclose small parcels of land on the forest wastes and build houses thereon , cut turf and peat , and to operate a brick kiln .
16 Similar commissions were issued to the Forest officers of Shotover and Stowood in January 1640 , and of Windsor Forest in June 1642 .
17 THE requirements for applying to run Britain 's new Channel 5 were issued yesterday .
18 The bonds were issued under a number of different jurisdictions , including Switzerland , Germany , France and the United Kingdom .
19 Perhaps the most famous weapon of the Franks was the sword : Frankish swords were in great demand across Europe for their balance and temper , and a number of restrictions were issued by Charlemagne controlling their export .
20 Most dramatically , 500 of them were issued with potassium iodate tablets to counter the effects of radioactive iodine .
21 Having failed to get voluntary agreements from all the residents , compulsory purchase orders on the properties were issued , with classic insensitivity , just before Christmas 1988 .
22 To add to the atmosphere , chocolate rations were issued at midnight .
23 Bedmakers in Cambridge colleges were issued with stout gloves to protect their hands from the sharp sedge as they lit the fires in undergraduates ' rooms .
24 Guns were fired at the police , causing injuries to several officers and reporters , and the forces were issued with CS gas and plastic bullets , although these were not used .
25 Thirdly , it was claimed that no general warrants were issued .
26 Thereafter , warrants were issued for only two months , though they could be renewed for one month at a time in the case of those issued to the police , and six months at a time in the case of those issued to the security services .
27 He and one brother , with pale skins , counted as whites , John said , but their siblings with darker skins were issued with passes as blacks .
28 In the following year box respirators with Lambert 's granules , together with charcoal , were issued to the troops , and continued in use throughout the war .
29 This latter is illustrated by the fact that until recently operating licences were issued more or less indiscriminately to any company that wanted to set up a sawmill .
30 As the war drew near , and gas masks were issued , an official came to my Grandad 's house to fit him and his housekeeper with the right sized masks .
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