Example sentences of "[was/were] originally " in BNC.

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1 In such work there is an opportunity for English to , in a sense , escape from the academy , literally to go extra-mural , and to re-establish those connections with the larger society that were originally part of its raison d'être .
2 Beyond this , what might appear just to be a way of illustrating how motets were put together — singing the two or three different , often highly contrasted melodies individually before putting them together as a polyphonic , multi-texted whole — may equally well represent a valid reflection of the manner in which they were originally performed .
3 The Chikamatsu dramas on which Suicide For Love is based were originally puppet plays .
4 Amongst those who were Conservative or Labour before the campaign , press bias had about a 6 per cent effect ; amongst those who originally had an Alliance preference it had a 23 per cent effect ; while amongst those who were originally undecided it had a 28 per cent effect — measuring all these effects in terms of the Conservative lead over Labour ( Table 8.14 ) .
5 These limits were originally set by phonographic performance Limited , representing the record companies , and the Musicians ' Union , to safeguard the viability of commercial recordings . )
6 Rendel Harris 's gods were originally plants .
7 Locked in a marriage with a wife who showed increasing signs of mental instability and whose health constantly brought her to the point of death , exhausted in his work and fearing for his own life and sanity , Eliot 's view of relations between the sexes is at its bleakest , as is shown not least in the epigraphs , which were originally further universalized by including ( in the draft synopsis ) ,
8 the objects to which men give most preference , their ideals , proceed from the same perceptions and experiences as the objects which they most abhor , and … they were originally only distinguished from one another through slight modifications …
9 They were originally concerned that she appeared too aggressive , shrill , and unsympathetic .
10 The black imitation columns were originally painted in the 17th century , and have been carefully restored
11 Although the major bookmaking firms are represented on the users committee , they were originally not keen on Hong Kong because it meant bringing in extra staff in the mornings .
12 Welling were originally told £2.70 , but when young Welling fans arrived for the match they found it was £3.90 .
13 The gang of baddies were originally deer stealers ; and it was The Food programme , discussing the increasing availablity of game in High Street supermarkets , who had pointed out that at one time British prisons held more poachers than all the prisoners in France put together .
14 Six officers were originally charged with conspiracy to pervert the course of justice and the seventh with unlawful wounding .
15 The sloping wings were originally squared off and must have made the house look even taller .
16 Peppercorns , which are harvested from a vine-like plant some 3½m/12ft high , Piper nigrum , were originally grown in India and south-east Asia , although they are now widely cultivated in other tropical areas such as Madagascar and the West Indies .
17 were originally grown in Greece and are the dried fruits of the ‘ Corinth ’ grape , a small , black , seedless variety .
18 Organic foods were originally mainly sought after by people suffering from various food allergies as conclusive evidence of links between many allergies as conclusive evidence of links between many allergies and other problems and the use of pesticides and modern agri-chemicals was produced .
19 is made from Guernsey milk from the Duke of Wellington 's cattle and processed in vats that were originally used for making Edam .
20 But the large-scale manufacture of plastics after World War 11 encouraged FAO to sponsor the development of cheap , large , plastic nets , which were originally intended to help provide additional sources of protein for developing countries .
21 Rather than making the observations that were originally planned , the telescope has been trying out various options to see what is possible , and at the same time producing pictures and results to reassure the public that all is not lost .
22 Interests in land for a term of years ( leaseholds ) were originally regarded , not as interests in the land , but as contractual rights .
23 Such redemption annuities were originally intended to be payable till 1996 , but they were ended by the Finance Act 1977 , and the final payments ( of double the normal sum ) were made on 1 October 1977 .
24 These arguments were originally intended to exclude women from autonomy and leadership , both in the political and in the ecclesiastical realms .
25 The second stage is to use this figure ( of so many dies in a sample of so many coins ) to calculate the total likely number of dies which were originally made .
26 The result will also give a huge lift to Alex Ferguson 's Manchester United team who were originally due to travel to Norwich today but went there instead on Tuesday and pulled off a significant victory .
27 My objections were originally on the grounds of freedom , rather than efficiency , although in the event , so far as Britain was concerned , socialism led more to stagnation than to tyranny .
28 ‘ We were originally studying how this organism causes disease and the vaccine possibly came out of that research , ’ he said .
29 The trio , all with realistic gold medal aspirations , were originally pre-selected for Barcelona on the strength of their international records but , at a controversial meeting of the British Canoe Union slalom committee in November , canoe club representatives rejected the principle of pre-selection in favour of first-past-the-post trials .
30 Five of the defendants were originally accused of murdering Derek White , 46 , a suspected sex offender , who died in hospital three days after the riot began .
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