Example sentences of "[was/were] wonder " in BNC.

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1 I suppose if one were to wonder about schizophrenia or playing the part too much , it 's like an actor who does a film and the film is very successful and he plays Gatsby in the film , and then they never stop wearing 30 's tennis whites .
2 Later , those who were to piece together the events at the camp of the early months of that year , from the time of snow till the approach of spring , were to wonder what was the ambition of Michael Holly , prisoner of Hut 2 in Zone I of Camp 3 in the Dubrovlag complex .
3 He knew they were wondering why there was n't anyone with him .
4 Umpteen four-bedroomed houses later , we were wondering if it really was the right thing to do : every time we found just the right place , the surveyor 's report showed movement of the north wall , or some other equally expensive-to-repair problem .
5 We are buying a One Ten County and we were wondering if it is possible to fit central locking using Range Rover parts .
6 So we were wondering if you would send us some addresses of skateboard companies that might sponsor us , eg Powell , Santa Cruz or someone .
7 You were wondering how long we 'd been lovers .
8 And myself and my partners were wondering really what you were doing …
9 For those of you who were wondering , married couples are jointly and severally liable for payment of the community charge ( poll tax ) .
10 ‘ We were wondering whether it would be possible for the Circle to achieve royal patronage .
11 Just in case you were wondering .
12 They were wondering where she was at that very moment .
13 It was inevitable yesterday , as Gordon Brown gave his performance , that Labour 's backbenchers were wondering whether they had picked the right man .
14 And they were wondering whether I should have private classes or be with the group and have group therapy and they decided , yes , she is like everybody else .
15 No doubt his fellow cadets were wondering similarly .
16 ‘ Talking of freedom , ’ James said , ‘ Kate and I were wondering what you were doing for Christmas . ’
17 There was naked bathing on a hot summer 's night after a stirring performance , there were wondering Welsh friends and neighbours up to see this phenomenon and afraid that his Welshness might be too loud : ‘ The English are afraid of us , ’ said Burton and brawled , now and then , to prove it .
18 When junior health minister Tim Yeo launched the Mansell report on services for people with learning difficulties with challenging behaviour a couple of months ago , he made the aside that perhaps his audience were wondering why there was need of such a report , given the work the King 's Fund had done in the same area over the years .
19 ‘ We were wondering about that charming old gentleman we 've seen you with in Mondano . ’
20 And often we would lie together in the sun after a bathe , and kiss and caress each other , and it was a dear , familiar pleasure , associated in my mind and body with safety and mutual delight and no demands made ; his hands were wondering and tender , and his face when I opened my eyes to look at it had the extraordinary beauty it used to have when I had given him even this limited sensual happiness .
21 ‘ Look here , Squire , ’ said Desmond , ‘ we were wondering if you would have a word with Potter . ’
22 ‘ Well , Florrie and me , we were wondering what we should do .
23 David and I were wondering if we could take you out for a spot of lunch .
24 All five hundred coolies from Number Three Village were drawn up outside their barracks in long ranks ; silent and apprehensive , they were wondering why they had been roused half an hour earlier and why the burly , intimidating figure of the plantation director , Duclos , was waiting to address the massed roll call beneath the single lightpole in the barrack compound .
25 They were wondering whether it was going to happen again .
26 The people at the table looked like beleaguered tourists in the kind of restaurants where people come and play violins in your ear , that is to say , horribly embarrassed and as if they were wondering how much it would take to make them go away .
27 Sir Thomas 's face was pale , paler even than those of his audience , most of whom were wondering whether this were not a little too much emotion after all that goose .
28 There were things all three of them knew , and things all three of them were wondering , but no one cared to question or acknowledge at this hour .
29 He walked in , and he walked out-alive , in case you were wondering … ’
30 And perhaps lots of people were wondering why they were n't having this good time .
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