Example sentences of "[is] partly " in BNC.

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1 This stance is partly a reaction against what Krauss saw as a dominant position in American criticism , by which ‘ the art of the last hundred and thirty years , the art of modernism , is not being well served by writing that promotes the myths through which it can be consistently misread ’ .
2 This is partly because of the structure of catholic nationalism in the Southern state and partly because the national unity sought by significant numbers of Northern catholic nationalists is still on the basis of the reversal of protestant — loyalist hegemony rather than a power compromise .
3 But this coercive role is partly performed by citizens too .
4 In short , I 'm convinced my theme is partly justified by contemporary life .
5 Which is partly what Olson meant when , linking Pound with Julius Streicher , he declared :
6 This personal stamp is partly created by the unique range of Burrows ’ influences — British folk dance from his training at the Royal Ballet School , ballet itself , and at the opposite extreme the minimal , unburnished style of Rosemary Butcher , with whom he has performed several times .
7 This is partly because of the speech 's length but also partly because of the difficulty of showing the advert on the BBC ; even if the corporation agreed , the manufacturers would not .
8 A play about rival 17th-century astronomers sounds like an arid evening 's theatre — which is partly the point of Kevin Hood 's piece .
9 If Les Negresses Vertes tend to jostle on the stage like animals being herded down a narrow street , it is partly because there are so many of them ( 11 , when all the strays are rounded up ) , but also because , even as the show begins , several key members appear to be too drunk to be capable of motion in a straight line .
10 This is partly because he has become the man most likely to win medals in the top competitions abroad — including the World Championships in Belgrade which start on Tuesday — notwithstanding his curiously fragile physique .
11 His captaincy is partly due to his quiet , controlled manner and a confidence and authority that unnerves his opponents — on and off the competition mat .
12 This is partly a consequence of simple arithmetic .
13 It is partly up to them to break free of their role as craftsmen and craftswomen working to order and to surprise us , as Ralph Beyer consistently does , with lapidary writing that operates as a literary form with a sculptural presence .
14 The massive popularity of our parties is partly due to the fact that we offer all-night dancing , this proves the need for a facility to obtain all-night licences for one-off events .
15 A painter whose pictures record the atrocities of the past , he acts as his uncle 's conscience and it is partly due to him that Singer — at the height of his spivvy , flashy success - throws himself into a Hampstead pond .
16 Rather than censure the dictatorship of President Saddam Hussein , Mr Marlow believes that its poor image is partly the fault of the British press .
17 He is so frustrated by the dearth of buyers for his pub , which is partly sixteenth-century with a 26-seat restaurant , that he has declared he will take a buyer 's property in part-exchange and then rent it out until the market improves .
18 A further striking difference between countries which is partly cultural in origin can be found in the differing legal rules which apply to business relationships .
19 If one is partly responsible already for the general policy of a Church or for anything else , it is better to be more responsible .
20 This is partly due to my experiences as a politician , because I know as a politician that when you are doing something naughty , nothing is more effective than to muddy the waters with complication .
21 This is partly due to the increasing technological influence on songs .
22 Moll 's denunciation of Laxton before she beats him up shows that the thrashing is partly in revenge for his not untypical masculine blend of misogyny and licentiousness ( cf. ii .
23 Additionally for Wilde , perverse desire is not only an agency of displacement , it is partly constituted by that displacement and the transgressive aesthetic which informs it .
24 His greatness as a writer is partly the result of the enlargement of sympathy which he demanded for society 's victims ’ ( Oscar Wilde , p. xiv ) .
25 This is partly the inevitable consequence of gender being socially constructed .
26 That is partly what it means to speak of the interconnections of race , class , and gender .
27 This argument is partly valid in the African context : Mutang'ang'i was periodically obliged to remove his metal cutting machines from his worksite in Nairobi .
28 The gap between the willingness to lend and the capacity to receive is partly due to the fact that the majority of donors have country lending , or granting , targets .
29 What I have argued so far is that the Situationists are ill-served by these publications , and that this is partly due to the influence of a certain pessimism which haunts contemporary cultural politics .
30 Hooliganism is partly an assertion of ‘ hardness ’ and an attachment to local territory , which the boys see as the traditional characteristics of their class .
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