Example sentences of "[is] surely " in BNC.

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1 That 's surely putting it too high .
2 She 's surely not thinking of moving there , is she ? ’
3 ‘ There 's surely other things to see except these decorations ? ’
4 ‘ She 's surely pretty , Nick . ’
5 With the merchandising machine grinding into production , 100,000 T-shirts already selling every week , along with video games , mugs and comic books , it 's surely only a matter of time before the simple-minded feline Stimpy and the maniacal chihuahua Ren make their debut on our shores .
6 ‘ But that 's surely not right , ’ Mrs Phelps said .
7 IF THE life stories of Billie Holliday , Loretta Lynn and Pasty Cline were interesting enough to inspire major Hollywood movies , it 's surely only a matter of time before the Dinah Washington biopic arrives .
8 That 's surely worth brooding on , Mr Millet . ’
9 Moreover , it 's surely no coincidence that PWI comes at a time when anti-trust allegations against Microsoft are reportedly still under investigation by the US Federal Trade Commission .
10 Moreover , it 's surely no coincidence that the Public Windows Initiative comes at a time when anti-trust allegations against Microsoft are still under investigation by the US Federal Trade Commission .
11 It 's surely better to do without milk and butter than without bread .
12 The heifer 's surely not in there ! "
13 But the spirit generates the faith by which we know Christ , and it 's surely that which makes all the difference between the a mere interest in an historical Jesus and our real living faith in our risen conquering son .
14 Kersey said : ‘ So Matthew married Alfred ’ girlfriend after getting her pregnant ; not exactly fraternal conduct , but as a motive for murder it 's surely worn a bit thin after thirty years . ’
15 ‘ And yet , you know , there 's surely more than just hatred for a disruptive influence in class .
16 ‘ That 's surely the obvious toast . ’
17 HBV is perhaps the best example of such diseases , but it 's surely not the only one .
18 ‘ He 's surely not still — ’
19 That 's surely what all the fuss was about .
20 But nothing has has really changed it 's surely implicit that green field sites will have to be released to meet the justifiable needs for development erm that there are ways clearly to minimize the impact by by first redeveloping the existing sites by by releasing sites in less sensitive locations , or developing sites that have minimal impact on on existing settle settlements or patterns of development un unless in exceptional circumstances there is for example the need for a new settlement .
21 It 's surely because the right honourable gentleman is not providing the money to Welsh local authorities .
22 Those two men vets will have so much work with the farms around here ; there 's surely room for a lady vet to do the small animals .
23 or how about Ray Wilkins … still playing of course in the premier league but he 's surely made of the right stuff to be a manager …
24 or how about Ray Wilkins … still playing of course in the premier league but he 's surely made of the right stuff to be a manager …
25 It 's surely an indication that St Valentine has borrowed St Nicholas 's pocket calculator , and is determined to turn his eternal dream into a business .
26 cor I 've done the wrong one 's surely it 's not fitting into that
27 Yes , it 's surely their van .
28 She 's surely gon na say aye .
29 It 's surely money for right things .
30 In the drawings the lamb appears to have bound feet , and the purport of the piece is surely more to do with sacrifice than deliverance .
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