Example sentences of "[vb infin] helped " in BNC.

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1 It might 've helped if Ivor had bothered to be here . ’
2 What , would you say that would 've helped the growth of the economy even more ?
3 Kapuscinski exercises a personal charm which must have helped him to establish friendly relations with the people he met , and to gather material , and which can seem to befriend the Western reader .
4 I finished by playing Isabella in a production of Women Beware Women in a 1950 's style which may have helped when I came to my Ophelia , which was loosely based on a Princess Di concept .
5 ‘ Why could n't the police have helped you ? ’
6 The sharpened exhibitionism of Stavrogin 's wanting everybody to look at him will not have helped Dostoevsky with Katkov , but it does mark a step away from Crime and Punishment and closer to Notes from Underground .
7 What Yeroen hoped to gain by his play-acting is not clear , though it may have helped to defuse further aggression .
8 A system of teacher appraisal , of the sort proposed in a report from a national steering group last week , would not have helped in either of these cases .
9 AN INDIAN journalist yesterday accused his editor of suppressing information that might have helped to identify the recipients of millions of dollars in bribes allegedly paid to Indian officials by the Bofors armaments company , a scandal which has caused acute embarrassment to Rajiv Gandhi 's government .
10 And this school , of which afterwards he could only remember that he was so homesick , must have helped the mind which was alleged to be backward and was not .
11 My ethos was I 've got a lot of money , but I 've got to look after the people as far as I can who have helped to produce it and I am going to make it grow bigger for our successors .
12 Ideological and philosophical issues receive inadequate attention and yet these could have helped define the common context ( or , perhaps , the contrasting contexts ) in which art and science were pursued .
13 Possibly the widening class-consciousness of militant trade unionism within the Edwardian working class , especially considering the number of players from mining origins , may also have helped encourage this flurry of ‘ industrial ’ action .
14 It certainly might have helped Diana to listen and learn from counselling sessions , where other couples ' problems are aired and discussed ; but there is no doubt that by taking on the role of patron at a time when the world was prophesying doom for her own marriage was an exceptionally brave thing for her to do .
15 By the same token Mr Kenneth Baker , as loyally supportive of Mrs Thatcher as Mr Heseltine was not , may have helped himself .
16 The OAU stated publicly what has been the worry among many developing countries : it welcomed rapprochement between East and West but warned that funds which might have helped alleviate poverty in Africa may be diverted to central Europe .
17 The self-confidence inspired by his Eton and Trinity background may have helped him in the several differences of opinion he has encountered in his life .
18 It could have helped clarify a number of issues at an early stage and possibly saved people a lot of money and anguish . ’
19 Mrs Cresson 's appointment may have helped the Socialists somewhat but can not have done much for the Communists .
20 Information from the French , American and Russian experts who helped set up Iraq 's air defences will have helped in their defeat or circumvention — a jammer which knows how the enemy radar ‘ thinks ’ has a great advantage .
21 It is surprising how little the poet 's father shared in these games and sports , which could have helped form a natural bridge of intimacy with his six sons as they began to go their several ways .
22 His initial appointment was for just two Tests , a demonstration of lack of faith that can not have helped his confidence and seemed to many to be ludicrous .
23 In a very close race it just might have helped .
24 Not that he 'd go , but he would have helped anyone who wanted to .
25 More body to the English String Orchestra ( an idiosyncratic name , given all the wind and other instruments which take part ) might have helped to throw the piece into clearer focus , but , in the final Presto — a rapid perpetuum mobile — they are at least all precise .
26 If the market thought the political news was bad , the business news can not have helped .
27 Marital difficulties in Fergie 's ‘ Southfork ’ may have helped too .
28 In a more combative address , which would have helped to win over the uncommitted vote , Mr Yegor Gaidar , the architect of the shock therapy programme , said preconditions for rapid economic growth comparable to Western Europe after the 1939-45 War had been created .
29 In a more combative address , which would have helped to win over the uncommitted vote , Mr Yegor Gaidar , the architect of the shock therapy programme , said preconditions for rapid economic growth comparable to Western Europe after the 1939-45 War had been created .
30 Survey after survey , purporting to display a swing to Labour which would instal Mr Kinnock in Downing Street , must have helped to focus many uncertain minds .
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