Example sentences of "[to-vb] to give " in BNC.

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1 Otherwise children , without those , grow up physically , psychologically damaged and the purpose of Save The Children Fund is to work to give children the chance of a better childhood and the chance to grow up to be adults who wo n't repeat the sins of their forefathers .
2 If they were to try to give an answer to the question at the head of this section , they would probably try to give a general account of factors which encourage or discourage chickens from crossing roads .
3 Luce , in a letter to the Chairman of the Library and Information Services Council , went on to try to give further assurances to librarians :
4 Though I do n't live there any more , I still regard the South Bronx as my community and I want to try to give something back .
5 In a letter to my wife I said that it looked as if my job was to try to give them new faith and hope .
6 With the new season now on top of us , it might be appropriate to expand on the new laws and to try to give the intentions behind the changes in certain areas .
7 On becoming a head I was determined to try to give parents the opportunity to talk freely and frankly about their children and their children 's needs .
8 Whether it is possible or desirable to try to give ethics an egoistic basis in this way must be discussed later .
9 But is it the case that western women , living today in the United States , let alone in secular modern Europe , live in societies so dominated by the Christian myth , so ready to point to the place of women within the biblical tradition , that the best that women can do is to try to give a better reading of that past ?
10 Characterised by confusion over aims and changes of membership , the panel made a number of false starts and fresh starts with the injection of new blood to try to give more direction to its work .
11 I had to try to give him a chance to be independent .
12 The first is to accept the skill and knowledge of the designer , and to try to give designers improved techniques and improved facilities for exercising this skill and knowledge .
13 It is important to try to give the tenant the opportunity of objecting to unreasonable requirements and recommendations , hence the suggested amendment , although it may be that the landlord will make the reasonably valid statement that the actual requirements of the insurers must be complied with as otherwise the landlord will be forever switching insurance companies .
14 It will never be easy but you have to try to give the players every avenue and every support to achieve that , ’ he explained .
15 ‘ He is determined to try to give all his evidence but he is most certainly fighting a race against time .
16 We need to remember that it is no more natural for women to live longer than men than it is for them to have lower incomes , to expect to give up work if their men wish it at marriage or in later life , to be the keepers of family memory , the main carers of those in need , the main sufferers from the empty nest as children leave home .
17 They chose Milan as the venue because of the presence of two schools which for the previous ten years had pursued the Pure Oral System , or the German System as it was more commonly known , and to help to give the Congress credibility , they chose as the President one of the schools ' headmasters , while the other school 's headmaster was Secretary .
18 This award will , I trust , help dispel the old perception of Rentokil as merely a woodworm and pest control company , and to help to give it the recognition it deserves — for what it is today — a major multi-national company with a broad base of services of wide-ranging benefits ’ .
19 This indexing is to help to give out information and to network .
20 History naturally arouses curiosity , raises fundamental questions , and generates speculation ; iii ) to help to give pupils a sense of identity .
21 Through history pupils can learn about the origins and story of their family and of other groups to which they belong , of their community and country , and of institutions , beliefs , values , customs , and underlying shared assumptions ; iv ) to help to give pupils an understanding of their own cultural roots and shared inheritances .
22 We know Gary Ball 's out I do n't know how long for but I think Frank will seriously have to look to give this lad some support because he he 's doing great up there on his own there 's no doubt about that .
23 Fire has to consume to give off its light .
24 Mr Heseltine replied : ‘ The only phone calls Mr Major will make will be to 20 of his colleagues , inviting them to join his government and prepare the Queen 's Speech , which is clearly , in outline , to continue the reforms that are necessary in this country to continue to give us firm leadership and government . ’
25 In considering ways of keeping emotionally fit enough to continue to give your parent the care she needs , try to maintain and , if necessary , improve the quality of your own life .
26 Moody 's has felt able to continue to give the companies such a blue chip bill of health because of the vigorous efforts they have made to prepare for growing competition — since the late 1980s , US telephone companies have restructured , sharply cut their costs , improved productivity , made more market-responsive investment decisions and invested heavily in their telecommunications networks — since 1988 , it reckons , productivity of the companies has risen 6% a year .
27 I have encouraged Secretary Baker to continue to give his personal impact to those negotiations because that is essential , and he is clearly willing to do so .
28 That is why we have sought to respond to representations , and to continue to give people in Scotland who wish to serve in the parachute regiments the opportunity to do so .
29 ‘ It 's all very well nominating a person to be a governor of a school , but then a company has to continue to give its support , ’ she pointed out .
30 It is logically impossible , he argued , to contract to give up all one 's rights , since such a contract would deprive the person of the ability to make any agreements at all .
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