Example sentences of "[subord] yet " in BNC.

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1 All three of these have entries for strontium in their indices and all refer the reader to an entry for ‘ alkaline earth metals ’ , where yet more information is forthcoming .
2 There are also indoor pelota courts , called trinquets , which , to the lay eye anyway , can look like royal tennis courts , and where yet other forms of pelota are played , usually professionally ( I well remember , from my youth , that the then world real tennis champion was a Basque , a celebrated player who no doubt grew up democratically playing pelota and then switched easily enough to the very exclusive game of real or royal tennis ) .
3 Each of these points then has another sequence of points accumulating on it where yet more complicated heteroclinic orbits connect the three stationary points , and so on , ad infinitum .
4 Her car will now be taken to Forensic Laboratories in Chepstow , Gwent , where yet more tests are to be carried out .
5 Although yet greater extremes of poverty might be expected to exist in bigger towns , an outstanding feature of Chichester was the clearly higher level of wages effective there , with many artificers assessed at 40s. a year , though these were sure to have been balanced by an anonymous mass of recorded paupers .
6 However , case management , although yet another concept ready for misinterpretation , projection , and even linguistic and semantic engineering , is a key component in the delivery of health and social care to priority client groups , and can , on the basis of research evidence in the USA , UK , and Australia , justifiably claim to be a better , more effective way of delivering services to long-term care groups ( including emotionally disturbed children ; see below ) .
7 The Welsh Office is providing £2.7m of extra cash for the whole of Wales this year to help reduce waiting lists , and although yet to be finalised , Clwyd 's share could be around £400,000 , says health authority treasurer , Nigel Morris .
8 So , while these discs are very enjoyable , my allegiance among recent Nutcrackers remains with Ashkenazy on Decca , who offers an equally enticing version of Glazunov 's Seasons , a far more enterprising coupling than yet another Sleeping Beauty suite .
9 DESPITE HIS assertion that he is not anti-Japanese ( Business column , June ) , it is difficult to see Jeffrey Ferry 's article as anything other than yet another petulant cry at the temerity of these Japanese — for being good at business when they do n't look like us , behave like us or even speak the language properly .
10 ‘ A collective image grabs people 's attention more than yet another picture of a rainforest .
11 They sit here day after day , gazing out into the middle distance , letting their problems stockpile to nothing more complicated than yet another sunny day on the porch of a listing old house .
12 ‘ It 's a refreshing change to hear of an act of goodwill rather than yet another tale of violence and vandalism , ’ says marketing manager Ken James .
13 Clearly , consultation is essential , with a wider group than yet involved ( including for example EATWOT , the association of Third World theologians ) .
14 The only other way Clinton could be denied the nomination is if yet another scandal breaks out — perhaps proof positive of his alleged affair with Gennifer Flowers — and he voluntarily withdraws .
15 When the man shook his head , he looked at his watch as if yet another important appointment awaited him , and strutted off .
16 Because yet pulled together the figures for last year .
17 Some Catholic schools in the area have no contact with the RUC 's Community Relations Branch , others do so when the police are in plain clothes and bring no uniformed neighbourhood police with them , while yet others restrict the lecture topics which the community relations police cam address .
18 What marks out Pascal is his refusal of the illusion that we can be merely rational , while yet insisting that reasoning be pushed to its limits .
19 What one creature smells , another may sense as heat , while yet another may see it .
20 But this also means that as the morphology of species matured over great periods of historic time , other forms became more adapted to life on land , while yet others returned to the water to escape the increasing competition .
21 Others believe hesitancy indicates errors in language processing , while yet others claim it is a stylistic device that conveys a message to the hearer that the speaker is uncertain , or perhaps reluctant to offend .
22 Juron almost seemed to be enjoying a second adolescence in company with his Scouts , while yet remaining devoutly responsible .
23 It is arbitrary in that the rules ( consciously followed or not ) in accordance with which this behaviour is produced , could have been otherwise , while yet serving the same communicative purpose .
24 He observes also that gestures can extend and replace full imitation , while yet being sufficiently iconic to secure uptake .
25 How might one reconcile the two approaches , while yet acknowledging the deep-rooted differences between them ?
26 Thus the intrinsic value of something follows from its intrinsic nature , so that nothing exactly like it could be of a different intrinsic value , while yet it is not one of the features one could properly list in indicating what something else would have to be like to be just like this thing .
27 Other norms are specific to that organization while yet others are specific to one work group .
28 Japan thus remained isolated while yet being part of Asia , and the imposed seclusion after 1639 reinforced this degree of detachment .
29 But feminists may be well aware that , in calling God Father , it is not intended to say that God literally has sexuality , while yet wanting to maintain that this is problematic .
30 Indeed the Federation of Working Men 's Clubs set up by Oxford House directly assisted the young Oxford missionary in developing the " knack of mingling on terms of personal equality with men , while yet by some je ne sais quoi in himself " , preserving " their freely accorded social homage " .
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