Example sentences of "[subord] consist " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Seriously reduced visibility conditions ’ in relation to a vehicle used on a road during daytime hours may include such conditions adversely affecting visibility ( whether consisting of , or including , fog , smoke , heavy rain or spray , snow , dense cloud , or any similar condition ) as seriously reduce the ability of the driver ( after the appropriate use by him of any windscreen wiper and washer ) to see other vehicles or persons on the road , or the ability of other users of the road to see the vehicle .
2 On the one hand , it is natural to think of the world outside mind as consisting solely of particulars : the only things that could be general would be ideas .
3 But a picture of the mind as consisting of atomic mental states causally interacting is not a million miles from the Humean view — a view of which Hume himself was the most insightful critic .
4 These include the wavelet transform , which can give a measure of the fractal qualities of a given sound , and something called the granular synthesis model , which considers sound as consisting of quanta localised both in time and frequency .
5 He refers to latent inhibition training as producing a CS-US association , the US being described as consisting of ‘ no event ’ ( see also Hall et al .
6 A further possible source of latent inhibition emerges as soon as we accept that any stimulus can be construed as consisting of a set of elements .
7 The Thatcherite counter-revolution should be seen , then , as consisting of a number of interrelated policies designed to restructure taxation , restructure public expenditure , reshape the welfare services , and curb the power of professionals , trade unions , and local authorities .
8 Fahey & Narayanan ( 1956 ) conceptualise environmental analysis as consisting of four analytical stages :
9 The labour input can be defined as consisting of all the human attributes which are used in producing goods and services and , as such , it differs from the inputs of the other factors of production in one major respect .
10 Voluntary unemployment can be defined as consisting of all those persons who are not in paid employment and are receiving some form of social security benefit , but are not actually seeking jobs at the prevailing rate of real wages .
11 At worst , it was regarded as consisting of sanctimonious , middle-class persons who mouthed government cliches about ‘ power-sharing ’ and said that they would be equally satisfied to live under London or Dublin .
12 This helps by showing that social systems can be viewed as consisting of :
13 Since the effects of the damage are largely restricted to language , the disruption can not affect the whole brain , so in that sense we are justified in thinking of the brain as consisting of functionally independent modules .
14 The claim that the complex whole of society should be seen as consisting of practices is an attempt to get away from the idea that a social theory can be grounded upon a concept which is ‘ simple ’ and ‘ given ’ .
15 Durkheim defines the sociologist 's data as consisting of ‘ social facts ’ .
16 Originally he thought of his main audience as consisting in enlightened rulers who happened to have power and who with sufficient for themselves already , sought their main further pleasure in seeking the happiness of their subjects .
17 But is the consciousness of a beautiful object properly conceived as consisting in two distinct things , consciousness and the object , standing in a certain relation ( of the one being directed at the other ) which makes no difference to what each of them is in itself ?
18 Finnis explains that Aquinas regarded law as consisting in part of rules which are ‘ derived from natural law like conclusions deduced from principles ’ and for the rest of ‘ rules which are derived from natural laws like implementations [ determinationes ] of general directives ’ .
19 While the stereotyped image of housework treats it as a single activity , women see it as consisting of many disparate ones .
20 Since the second amendment to the articles of agreement the structure of the Fund has been defined as consisting not only of a board of governors , an executive board , and a managing director and staff , but also a council if it is called into being by a decision of the board of governors with an 85 per cent majority of total voting power .
21 Families are still per-ceived as consisting of one breadwinner who only exceptionally is a woman , and one dependent spouse whose primary responsibilities lie in the home .
22 Equally , it is impossible to analyse social systems as consisting of norms and values and power relationships without examining the way in which they actually impinge on people .
23 Using the work he had done on the influence of a trauma , on a child under five years of age , and its effects on the later genesis of neurosis , Freud analysed religions as consisting of positive and negative reactions to a trauma which has been forgotten .
24 In our previous book , we described Jesus 's immediate entourage as consisting of two more or less distinct groups , ‘ adherents of the bloodline ’ and ‘ adherents of the message ’ .
25 If samples are scored for aneuploidy , a significant chromosome count identifying aneuploidy is regarded as consisting of minimally two mitotic cells with the same count .
26 Stage I sleep is defined in terms of the EEG and EOG records as consisting of a low voltage EEG with some slow activity , and occasional vertex sharp waves , and slow rolling eye movements ( see example . )
27 By October 1986 the local press was describing the fleet as consisting of just 40 boats .
28 The regulationist school can , therefore , give a cogent account of the international economy in periods of structural change ; and its concept of the international economy as consisting of the relations between coherent national economies with one dominant over the others appears credible .
29 The popular media — such as Tomorrow 's World , for example , or children 's science books — tend to present science as consisting of benevolent inventions , or a series of clever tricks .
30 Value for money can be thought as consisting of three elements : ‘ economy ’ , ‘ efficiency ’ and ‘ effectiveness ’ .
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