Example sentences of "[v-ing] home " in BNC.

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1 The place is familiar , becoming home , taking on a tinge of spurious cosiness .
2 Black can not defend the threat of Q-Kt7 mate but has an immediate win by pressing home his own attack .
3 ‘ You see , maman , I have to remind him to say ‘ we ’ , ' Richard said importantly , pressing home what he saw as his advantage .
4 One of the best resources you can use is a good listener who will allow you to verbalise your doubts and fears aloud and who is capable of listening to you without pressing home their own agenda .
5 Robbie risked pressing home her advantage .
6 Already since the Second World War critics have arisen to castigate Montgomery for not pressing home with sufficient zeal the pursuit of the defeated Afrika Corps after Alamein .
7 Having missed with five kicks in the 13–9 defeat at Llanelli last weekend , Roebuck made sure there was no reprieve for Monmouthshire yesterday , banging home four penalties in the opening 20 minutes .
8 Then , walking home , I was easily overtaken by Mrs Matthews , who is 93 and lives next door .
9 My ides of real rape is , say , a woman walking home at night and dragged into an entry and forcefully raped .
10 I 've taken the lorry back to the depot and I 'm walking home if that 's what 's worrying you .
11 On Tuesday , Judge Bernardo Jaramillo , who was investigating Medellin drug cartel activity , was shot dead as he was walking home .
12 On Tuesday , Judge Bernardo Jaramillo , who was investigating Medellin drug cartel activity , was shot dead as he was walking home .
13 ’ On walking home it is doubtful that the companions gave a second glance at Came house , described ten years later by Sir Frederick Treves in Highways and Byways of Dorset as ‘ an unattractive mansion in what is called the' ‘ classic' ’ taste' .
14 He thought about walking home .
15 But on that morning my happiness was clouded by something he said to me as we were walking home to lunch : ‘ Your parents know about you , Jim — you know that , do n't you ? ’
16 We 've all seen pictures of Page 3 girls and pornographic images of women showing the female body in a constantly inviting , sexual way just walking into a newsagent 's on a Sunday morning often means you are surrounded by them ) and it is hardly surprising if girls themselves , as well as men , sometimes feel confused ; believing that girls might ‘ want ’ to be raped , or are asking for trouble , if they dress up to go out , or behave independently by going out or walking home alone .
17 Mrs Olive Davis , 47 , was walking home with her husband , Joe , 59 , when they saw the crash and she spoke of how Mr Swales died in her arms .
18 When Madame shook the bucket you turned out your pockets even if it meant walking home .
19 When I first mentioned the subject of the shoes , as we were walking home from school that evening , he was n't sure what I was talking about .
20 She gave a very indifferent performance , and walking home , Bernie asked her , ‘ What 's the matter , baby ? ’
21 From his knowledge of ‘ Romances , & Relations of Giants & Magicians , & Genii ’ , his mind was soon ‘ habituated to the Vast ’ , and when , walking home to Ottery one winter evening , his father told him the names of the stars ‘ and how Jupiter was a thousand times larger than our world — and that the other twinkling stars were Suns that had worlds rolling round them ’ , Coleridge listened with profound delight , ‘ but without the least mixture of wonder or incredulity ’ .
22 They passed the tall figure of Doctor McCann walking home .
23 One July day in 1943 at Blaconsthorpe , Norfolk , a born-deaf farm labourer named Kenneth Andrews was walking home from work accompanied by his wife , and carrying his young baby when he saw a R.A.F. Typhoon fighter plane crash in flames .
24 John Regis , my arch rival at 200 metres , was walking home with some friends late one night when they were attacked by some white men who were obviously extremely drunk .
25 She would have to go and make sure that everything was all right — and that meant goodbye to walking home along the sands .
26 ‘ I was walking home from school and a masked man grabbed me and hauled me into a car .
27 He said : ‘ The Blaney children are walking home .
28 Walking home from his job one payday , he was set upon by two young men who hit him with a stick , pushed him to the ground and seized his meagre wages .
29 After that , I usually went on my own , walking home in the dark up the middle of the street .
30 The guide contains commonsense recommendations covering situations such as meetings in strangers ' offices and homes , walking home alone and car breakdowns .
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