Example sentences of "[v-ing] enough " in BNC.

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1 Gaining enough height and momentum for the somersault would have required the energy of a team of acrobats to propel him up and over the horns .
2 A new service could set up by gaining enough contracts with major customers of the old service to take over .
3 If my right hon. Friend succeeds in gaining enough support for his efforts , the European Community will set up a framework of support and it will be up to individual countries to decide , within that framework , how they wish to use the funds .
4 Unless detected at an early stage weight loss is an inevitable result of pancreatic insufficiency , but before this becomes apparent the dog 's appetite will have increased , simply because it is not absorbing enough nutrients .
5 I broke off branches of deep purple cherries devouring enough vitamin C for the rest of the length of the canal if walked it had to be , waving their thick-leaved wands at the flies , as I plodded the day 's last few solitary miles .
6 The surrogate father guides his protégé through his turbulent teens into his twenties when he develops into a mature and secure sportsman with an abundance of technique and a conviction challenging enough to take him to success .
7 Styled in hard-wearing canadium , it has a built-in meter so that you can know at a glance if you 're applying enough pressure .
8 The resources of the AIB and its equivalent organisations throughout the world are necessarily limited for reasons of economy , and the person in charge has to deploy his forces in the most effective manner he can devise while at the same time always keeping enough reserves in hand in case of a major catastrophe .
9 The Aquamassage brush is waterproof and can be used in the bath and shower : ‘ The only difficulty is keeping enough soap on the brush head to keep it from dragging the skin , ’ she says .
10 If he is insulting enough to make an offer for Aitken of the amount I have seen quoted , he need n't bother waiting for an answer .
11 However , the figures are certainly compelling enough to suggest that features other than anti-Semitism dominated the image of the Nazi Party in the eyes of its pre-1933 membership .
12 The fate of seven ‘ Amcits ’ , a Frenchman and two ‘ Brits ’ was not compelling enough to be seen to be driving policy ; something much more portentous was needed .
13 An oral disclaimer can suffice provided that it is bold and compelling enough to neutralise the effect of the odometer reading .
14 This method of progression is unsettling enough to make some riders seasick , but it may hold the key to the beast 's endurance .
15 Something must have happened ; something alarming enough to send the Prince scurrying from the ball .
16 She might feel compelled to attack him physically at any moment and he was alarming enough to convince her that he would lift her in the air , shake her like a rag doll and toss her over a crag .
17 Another type is problem-solving calls , such as helping owners with injured dogs ( provoking enough interest for subsequent enquiries to be made about the dog 's progress ) ; giving impromptu lessons on road safety to young children who have narrowly avoided accidents ; and dealing with arguments between neighbours ( usually over noise ) and family disputes .
18 They found little difficulty in agreeing with one another on the current dangers but an insuperable difficulty in communicating enough anxiety to Eastern and Western governments to make them seriously disarm .
19 If anyone believed that by wearing , bestowing or even consuming particular substances it was possible to avert poison and other evils or positively to advance a cause , it was comforting enough to ensure the continuity of such beliefs .
20 Installing and operating enough flue gas de-sulphurization plants to cut UK power station emissions of sulphur dioxide by 50 per cent would add 6 per cent to UK electricity prices .
21 However , because catastrophic injuries are more worrisome to the emerging rugby nations , Akpata thinks that the IRB powers are doing the game a disservice by not acting enough to change the Laws for safety purposes .
22 We have no evidence that Vial provided , or indeed could have provided , a three-year course ( apart from that , he was at one point rebuked by the governors for not paying enough attention to his teaching duties ) .
23 But they claim doctors are n't paying enough attention to the use of oxygen at high pressure .
24 It 's one of the few crops the European Community is n't growing enough of .
25 Well actually I feel a lot happier if you say that , because can I actually one of the first questions you asked , which I never got a chance to answer , though Terry did , was which what sort of criteria one would use to say that a Prime Minister 's good and erm I was sort of thinking of that as Terry was answering and I think the thing I came up with is you want somebody who represents , or is sensitive to at least , a very wide swathe of views across the population , but also someone who 's intelligent and caring enough to take into account the minority views , and you want somebody who 's aim is to make most of the people happy most of the time , sort of thing , erm but who 's also prepared to take unpopular steps erm if he believes it 's necessary .
26 He predicted that Democrats would support it because it had the greatest chance of securing enough backing to become law by overriding a presidential veto .
27 Ballymena will rely heavily on Davy Tweed presenting enough line-out possession for Derek McAleese to keep Instonians on their back foot — and this could help Ballymena put THEIR best foot forward .
28 But by 1979 he was selling enough stock from his Mum 's garden shed to move into the Wanneroo premises .
29 ‘ You 're too ruthless to be a doctor , not sly enough to be a lawyer , and not boring enough to be an accountant . ’
30 It was shaming enough to be so acutely aware of a man who despised her , and whom she hated , but to actually yield —
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