Example sentences of "[v-ing] around " in BNC.

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1 Look at all these blasphemous bastards that are still walking around this orchard . ’
2 WALKING around Scotland 's ‘ Queen of the Mountains ’
3 One of the nicest things about walking around coastline peninsulas is that it is often easy to stick to the coastline without doubling back on yourself at the end .
4 A week of walking around the beautiful Lakeland Fells proved an energetic break for outdoor action .
5 Walking around Urbino 's quiet streets on a wet Sunday out of season was an evocative and fascinating experience , even though the churches and palace had closed early in the morning .
6 I 'm pretty sure that I was the only mother & baby entrant as I struggled on sometimes running , sometimes walking around the 10 mile course encouraged by the smiles and cheers of the many people who lined the route .
7 ENGLISH GIRL ( walking around the island as if she 's lost something important ) : I left my camera in Ecuador .
8 I had a lot less hassle walking around Tripoli , than I would have walking around Athens , for example .
9 Anyway , having a pint was preferable to walking around the streets on a cold night such as this .
10 I was arrested twice , once for trying to get out of the place , and once for just walking around the course , both times without wearing a badge .
11 Walking around the base of an active cone erupting these bombs is a bit like walking around a battlefield , with spent rounded cannonball bombs and shattered fragments of cannonballs lying around , and many big battered boulders exhibiting the bruises of a long volcanic siege .
12 Or had she just seen him one day , walking around the suburb where he had been born , and said to him , in that sharp voice she used for all commands : ‘ Marry Me ! ’
13 The gates were all closed and there was a mother and a daughter who was pregnant and walking around it .
14 About twelve months later , I was walking around the Dingle and saw this chap coming down the road , brand new suit and all the rest of it , with his wife and kid .
15 An illustrated lecture by Dr John Shannon OBE , Chairman of the York Civic Trust , examining the architectural details of York — gleaned from 30 years of walking around the City .
16 Some unexpected surprises are in store for you whilst walking around the gallery .
17 You can buy T- shirts with the shop 's name printed on them , however , with the result that there are now hundreds of teenage girls walking around Tokyo with the word ‘ milk ’ blazoned across their breasts .
18 These allow headphone listening while walking around the room .
19 It is difficult to realise when walking around the area that you are only twelve miles away from Hull , the surrounding woodlands creating a block to the sights and sounds of modern living .
20 Walking around the corner is a wilder area , which is enclosed by trellis made of stout poles and hung with a most bewildering variety of clematis .
21 Before Mr Morton 's operation at the world-renowned Papworth Hospital , near Cambridge , he was introduced to a man walking around the ward who had been given a new heart only days before .
22 Few touring visitors wish to bypass the shops , however , using the large car parks and walking around the streets .
23 Diana spent her days swimming , walking around the grounds , driving in Charles 's blue beach buggy and , of course , dancing .
24 You ca n't go walking around New York by yourself at this time of night .
25 The night I arrived I was walking around the streets on my own looking for work .
26 ‘ It 's a fine idea , ’ Thomas said to her , expounding it to himself and meantime walking around Simon 's cottage with resentment for every stone of the place .
27 When you 're not out walking around this lovely area of the Borders try seeing it from the back of a horse — the Westertoun Riding Centre will take you out on anything from an hourly ride to a half day trek through the Lammermuir Hills .
28 The ideal working dress would , therefore , be one in which you could reach up high to bring down the best china , bend down low to pick up the dropped toy , feel comfortable in for walking around the park and pushing a pram or playing ball , not worry about if baby food was deposited on it , move around in easily with a baby on your hip and cover up totally for rolling out pastry or helping with painting .
29 ‘ Does n't that bother you ? ’ asked Coleman , walking around the desk to see if El-Jorr was eavesdropping , but he was still busy at the computer terminal in the next room .
30 Driving or walking around the sculpture will be like turning a model in space — the apparent contradictions transforming themselves into new realities .
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