Example sentences of "[vb pp] less " in BNC.

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1 Although Hardy came to declare that no book of his had ever contained less of himself , it is difficult not to see in Jude a symbolic statement of all that he had found most disappointing in his life and in the human condition in general .
2 These included less ice in the Arctic , reduced snowfalls in the northern hemisphere , the shrinkage of glaciers in Switzerland , and increased tree growth in the southern hemisphere .
3 He would have attracted less attention if he had worn a red gown and long white beard .
4 On that basis , then , we have a reason to be glad that Clive Lloyd adapted his strategy of all-out pace , for had he not done so perhaps we would have seen less of one of the most watchable of all bowlers .
5 I have seen less of Olazabal because , for some reason , I do not find him an easy player to watch .
6 I have seen less of Olazabal because , for some reason , I do not find him an easy player to watch .
7 Here is seen less of the Baltic brick approach and more a derivation of French and English design .
8 Given this shorter period of experimentation with other drugs prior to heroin use , it could be expected that these informants would have exhibited less variety in their pre-heroin polydrug use .
9 It should not perhaps surprise us that trade unions appear to have made less bargaining headway on the issues of job design than on the question of equipment design .
10 Somerset seems to have felt less restraint .
11 ( Thucydides never saw Pericles at his demagogic debut , or he might have felt less dismay at the look of the great man 's successors : ii.65 . )
12 This found that girls who had felt isolated and embarrassed about being pregnant or having babies felt less stigma about this after they had attended the units and could take a much more realistic view of their situation .
13 Too often the UN has had less than the best .
14 True , he has had less to lose than his counterparts , for whom failure probably means political death .
15 Primary schools have had less than half that margin .
16 This would be expected because , first , they would have been socialized into a version of mathematics nearer to that of the university ‘ modern ’ pure mathematicians than that of their elders and because , secondly , they would have had a potential interest in changes that could , within schools , challenge the seniority of their elder colleagues or , at least , they would have had less of a vested interest in current practice .
17 British banks have had less time than their American counterparts to develop clear strategies towards property .
18 The political allegiance owed by the three greatest novelists of the Period , for example , could hardly have had less in common : I. S. Turgenev ( 1818–83 ) was a moderate liberal , F. M. Dostoevsky ( 1821–81 ) preached his own brand of Orthodox conservatism , and L. N. Tolstoy ( 1828–1910 ) was to become a great prophet of non-violent protest against modern civilization .
19 The rapid recognition of word meanings will aid this process because earlier words will have had less opportunity for loss through forgetting .
20 The history of pronunciation is one of those issues that do not primarily involve standardization , because it is about the history of speech in face-to-face interaction and because standardization has always had less effect on pronunciation than on other linguistic levels .
21 Asians tended to be more favourable on every measure , and to have had less experience of stops , etc .
22 Both people entering unemployment as a result of losing a temporary job and people taking temporary jobs as a way out of unemployment seemed more likely to have taken a number of jobs , to have experienced a number of spells of unemployment , to have had less time in work and more time in unemployment than people becoming unemployed for other reasons , or managing to obtain a permanent job on leaving unemployment .
23 Over half ( 235 , 56% ) of 419 employed adults with cystic fibrosis had had less than two weeks ' sick leave in the previous year , and 34% ( 144 ) had had less than 1 week .
24 In general , the Commons has had less success than the Congress in either developing its own sources of information or in forcing information out of the executive .
25 We may suspect that if Polybius had done his job properly modern scholars would have had less difficulty in finding a way into the Roman mind .
26 Saddam Hussein continues to ignore the needs of the Iraqi people , particularly those in the south who have had less publicity than the Kurds in the north .
27 The thesis that the shock was initially due to a lack of demand has perhaps had less acceptance than a supply- side line of explanation , eg that high unemployment has been due to excessive wage levels .
28 Bristol , too , was in decline , losing some of its old trade to Southampton and Exeter , so its merchants could have had less to invest in this enterprise .
29 In fact , Flaherty and his colleagues ( 1983 ) were unable to find any evidence that intervention programmes with teenage childbearers offering intensive family planning education had any success at all in preventing repeat pregnancies , though others have had less discouraging experiences ( Osofsky et al. , 1973 ) .
30 oh I came , came to several conclusions , erm , one , one of the problems that the article faced me with , if it had been a simple outburst , if , if the , the Daily Telegraph had simply taken an advert out as opposed to maybe editorials then I may of had less a problem , because the problem with editorials is that they are believed , companies adverts are n't believed , well they 're partially believed , but an editorial carries a lot more weight and therefore when it 's written like that it tends to strike home much harder , therefore that , my immediate thoughts were that if were going to react , if we were going to find a way of cantering the problems we felt this had created , then we would not have to follow any normal course of action , we simply could n't put an advert out because nobody would have believed it , we would have to look at it a different way of actually cantering and that 's part of the reason for the time taking to think it through .
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