Example sentences of "[vb past] yet " in BNC.

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1 A few yards before the winning post she found yet more courage and stamina and forced herself in front to win by a length .
2 Urgent talks began in London and Brussels as the UK tried yet again to negotiate a way round the EC rules .
3 Later , brain-fatigue smearing her concentration as she tried yet again to make the balance positive : I 'm not wrong .
4 But she found she was n't proof against his sudden closeness , nor his smiling charm as his eyes tried yet again to seek out the curves of her body hidden so discreetly from his probing by her chosen armour .
5 Quiet , steady and composed , Gavin was an ideal partner for skipper Jim Cannon at the heart of the Palace defence and , if the early '80s were a time when our back four was often under a lot of pressure , Gavin played his part in Palace 's revival at the end of the decade although , in spite of skippering our successful 1988–89 side for a few matches mid-season , he incurred yet another injury and was prevented from playing in all but the final three games .
6 In the 1950s the Yakovlev OKB diversified yet more , producing several helicopter designs including the large and powerful twin-rotor Yak–24 heavy transport helicopter and continuing military jet aircraft development .
7 Before his tenth birthday , with another child ( Oscar ) on the way , the family moved yet again to 61 Shelgate Road , a much larger detached house four streets nearer to Battersea Rise and Wandsworth Common .
8 Of the single unitary voyage , worth 1.00,0.61 will have contributed to the election of Paisley , 0.10 will have contributed to the election of Craig , and 0.29 can pass to a third candidate ; and should that candidate be consequently elected with a transferable surplus , the 0.29 of a vote can , down-valued yet again , pass to yet a fourth candidate .
9 Furthermore , the convulsion of 1967 concentrated yet more Palestinians around the most sensitive parts of the kingdom , Amman itself and the towns running northwards to the Syrian border .
10 Some theatres had to close , though the opening of the Barbican Centre in the city of London provided yet another boost to musical and dance performances in the metropolis — which hardly needed it .
11 Labour 's poll tax spokesman , Mr David Blunkett , last night said this provided yet another reason to doubt the Government 's projection of poll tax bills .
12 The Chelsea China Factory , established at the corner of Justice Walk in 1745 , under the efficient management of a Mr Sprimont provided yet further scenes of energetic business .
14 Making her way through large hooked-back wooden doors , she entered yet another courtyard .
15 Thunder rattled the windowpane through which Cardiff was looking and the strobe lights fizzled and flickered yet again .
16 In his covering letter he mentioned yet another title and gave the Wagnerian aspect an unexpected prominence : " I have written a pamphlet … which is to have the title " Music and Tragedy " , and I am sending you the beginning of it in manuscript .
17 IMAGINE a branch of engineering vital to the industrial and social welfare of the developed world , and which promised yet further benefits for the future .
18 ‘ I am willing to stand or fall on this one , ’ he had said — but when he was proved wrong he did not fall , he rose yet higher .
19 Yet somehow she was very much part of the group and her loudness underlined yet another lost soul .
20 In 792 the Saxons revolted yet again ; this time it took two years of campaigning to suppress the Eastphalians and Nordalbingians involved .
21 ‘ But nothing is signed and sealed yet . ’
22 The Sparcbook 2 is nearing release — see front page — and the come-on for potential investors in the prospectus is the agreement with IBM Corp — but this is not signed and sealed yet .
23 ‘ Nothing is signed and sealed yet .
24 Similar assumptions underpin the 1993 planned reorganisation of ‘ community care ’ services , with the role of statutory agencies as direct service providers reduced yet further .
25 And somehow , in a setting that had once been rural , it seemed yet more dire .
26 Nay , almost encouraged , so it seemed yet apparently within the strictest of chivalric constraints …
27 There seemed to be a veritable army of helpers needed to open up the big downstairs rooms , and wherever she went there seemed yet another one poised to ask her a question she was unable to answer .
28 But the nuclear industry had by this time received yet a further green light .
29 There he played his own Piano Concerto in D , K.537 , for which he received yet another snuffbox , and heard an organ recital by J.W. Hässler , whose teacher had studied with J. S. Bach .
30 The next month we received yet another set of referee 's comments and a rejection of the paper on the grounds of its unsuitability for the journal yet complimentary in other respects .
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