Example sentences of "[vb past] himself " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It means ‘ he ground himself into me ’ , as it says in the book I bought at the airport . ’
2 His liking for convivial company , found only in the male-dominated bars of New Jersey , a throwback from his forebears of County Cork , eventually forced them into a difficult matrimonial situation from which he occasionally evacuated himself and went off on a drifting reconnaissance of the world outside .
3 He was speaking as he jerked himself out on the sandy foreshore .
4 He made the mistake of following the thread of foaming water with his eyes , and jerked himself back just in time .
5 The Admiral jerked himself back into consciousness of his surroundings .
6 Miller jerked himself into some sort of alert state as they approached , smiling glassily .
7 Alan not only created himself , but also his own world in which to live .
8 Filled with unusual trees and shrubs , dropping down to a stream the Professor created himself , the garden flows softly and naturally between their home , Vine House , built in 1725 , and the 18th-century park of Blaise Castle , laid out by Repton , which lies adjacent .
9 The 35-year-old Kurd from Turkey was waiting for a routine appointment in the Croydon Immigration Office in south London when he doused himself with petrol .
10 That the real Mathew Bryce cut up a girl , then torched himself ?
11 If it was contradictory to say that he was ready to go to another woman so soon after declaring Kee to be the one ‘ and no other ’ , very well then , he contradicted himself .
12 He contradicted himself within his own question by saying that we have no constitutional ideas and then identifying an area on which we are currently consulting with a view to making constitutional changes .
13 Ramsay ensconced himself in the upper storey of the mill building , where he could gain as wide a view as possible .
14 Vologsky rallied himself .
15 One day he excelled himself , turning up with a piece of furniture the size of a large sideboard which housed the coveted television set along with a radiogram and a place to keep your records .
16 At the age of 9 , he was sent to the London Institution where he excelled himself so much that when the school 's Margate branch was opened in 1875 , the headmaster , Dr. Elliott , appointed him one of the first pupil-teachers , promoting him three years later to a junior teachership .
17 Schmeichel excelled himself as Torpedo 's blond danger man Talalayev suddenly found himself 14 yards from goal but his cannon shot was miraculously pushed away by the goalkeeper .
18 How about starting with a report on the Stuttgart Classic event where Goran really excelled himself with brilliant wins over Jim Courier and , of course , the out-of-sorts ( surely for the moment only ) , Stefan Edberg .
19 The keeper excelled himself to keep out an Elliott header , but he was stranded again in injury time when Loram fired in a precise 25yarder which went in off the post .
20 But with his defence protecting him from any direct shots , Prudhoe steadily recovered , and he excelled himself after 69 minutes when Noel Blake powered a header goalwards from only six yards , but the indisputable player of the season somehow threw himself along his line to scramble the ball away .
21 He weighed himself on the bathroom scales .
22 So it was without surprise that he found himself sharing with her one of the tinny , open-sided cars of the creaky old funicular that saved tourists the toil of climbing the seven hundred and more steep stone steps up from the Marina Grande .
23 Henry found himself next to the
24 Charles also found himself in a difficult position .
25 He was unaware of any high ‘ g ’ or , indeed , of anything at all , until he found himself regaining consciousness in a near vertical climb , about to tail slide .
26 Cameron found himself saddened and frustrated by the episode at the McCullochs ' — it brought the dilemma of the movement to a point .
27 Cameron was sincerely amused — he found himself weirdly untroubled , as though he was watching a fantasy unfolding in which he was barely implicated .
28 He repeatedly found himself asking the question Who ? — and What ? — was he ?
29 Layton 's ebullience was on a par with Ezra Pound 's ‘ showmanship ’ , and Leonard now found himself not so very far from where the great revolutionary poet ( of Imagism , Vortism etc. ) was actually incarcerated .
30 In November 1959 he found himself back in Montreal , ‘ to renew his neurotic affiliations ’ as he was to repeat endlessly to journalists ; meeting his friends and family , sometimes bumping into his uncles who would take him for expensive meals at top restaurants — such as the Ritz — and hotels ; and generally awakening and reawakening those impulses and memories which would fire his imagination and energise his mind for months to come .
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