Example sentences of "[coord] smile " in BNC.

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1 Quote a Latin tag at him by mistake and he will examine his shoes or smile brazenly back at you .
2 Every time we laugh when we are hurt , or smile when we feel angry , it is like burying an unripe fruit inside us .
3 Dexter sat back in his armchair , unsure whether to laugh outright or smile knowingly at the businessman 's practical joke .
4 Throughout the two-day hearing , she appeared relaxed and confident , often turning to share a joke with her two male accomplices in the dock or smile at friends and family who crowded the court 's public benches .
5 He could smile to order or smile for real , with real pleasure , and it came out just the same , it came out so beautiful that you were sure not to notice the difference .
6 We do not speak or smile .
7 After Mark 's funeral Robyn 's lips had been so painful that she had hardly been able to speak or smile for days — but then that had suited her fine , still suited her , although no one guessed , except Anne perhaps .
8 I come in and put the bedside light on , and he lies there with his eyes half-open , conscious but immobilized , as if he were under some strange paralysing drug , unable to tell me what the trouble was , unable to nod or smile or shake off his dream .
9 She found that in the time allowed four-fifths of the adult pairs conversed , looked or smiled at each other .
10 When teachers , matrons , the housemistress and finally the headmistress all started to show some concern and more disapproval at my unco-operative ( anorexic ) behaviour , I refused to answer their questions , or even to talk to them at all , and during the course of their homilies I merely stared out of the window or smiled to myself in a superior , scornful sort of way .
11 When he waved or smiled at those he knew , they turned away , as if they did n't know him .
12 Several people waved theirs at Bobbie , and smiled as she went by — people who never usually waved or smiled at her .
13 Because if you substitute something into the God , it does n't really work or smiled upon fortune smiled upon him .
14 Sometimes I stop a total stranger in the street And say to him : Let's do that one more time , But this time walk past slower , with a limp , Or smiling to yourself , as one gone mad .
15 She neither bowed nor smiled and the words were grave but her eyes , he thought , seemed to gather all that was left of the best of the sun .
16 And she had nodded and smiled .
17 Instead of frowning while listening to your explanations he had nodded and smiled .
18 Ruth had nodded and smiled and Fernando had kissed the tip of her nose .
19 A two-foot high figure of Isambard Kingdom Brunel talks and smiles in his glass case .
20 as the words and smiles with which
21 Koons takes the photograph in his hand and smiles impishly , looking every bit the boy-next-door in his Reeboks , jeans and button-down shirt .
22 Heather pats the chair and smiles again , a truly horrible sight .
23 Vic glances in his rear-view mirror and smiles thinly .
24 Halted on the inside lane , Robyn catches the eye of a young West Indian with Rastafarian dreadlocks , hunched in the entrance of a boarded-up shop , and smiles : a friendly , sympathetic , anti-racist smile .
25 If Dave looks interested in Andy and smiles encouragingly , his sub-text reads , ‘ I 'm looking forward to chatting with you . ’
26 Lurching slowly from side to side , becoming faster and steadier , the Vimy rose into the air followed by cheers from the spectators and smiles from the Vickers team .
27 And smiles her Cheshire cat grin .
28 Lawrence pauses and smiles faintly .
29 Malcolm , who is statemented , and has ‘ severe learning difficulties ’ ( as the educational psychologist puts it ) or who is ‘ dyslexic ’ ( as his parents , encouraged by the local Dyslexia Institute , put it ) or whom ‘ you just ca n't do anything with ’ ( as several of his teachers have put it ) , mouths the words as Beth reads and smiles broadly as she finishes .
30 She withdraws the blue-veined foot I am soothing and smiles sadly down .
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