Example sentences of "[coord] community " in BNC.

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1 Additionally it might be argued that with the almost instantaneous transmission of information we have these days , the impact of hearing about individuals or groups or communities of people dying is that much greater because we have less time to prepare for bad news .
2 The air must be the highway of the future for all who would live greatly — whether individuals or communities … to be behind on the aerial road will spell secondrateness in everything .
3 We have seen that the bulk of taxation in Yugoslavia is raised by governments or communities of interest which are outside of the direct control of the federal government .
4 Greater awareness and/or knowledge of users or communities was mentioned by nearly a fifth of all authorities , in various ways , e.g. :
5 Unanimity , or the next best thing , a decision which no one actually opposes , is not unknown , especially in relatively small groups or communities .
6 But it also arises in relation to many conflicts between local interests or communities and a national government .
7 collective , institutionally mediated roles expressed in the structures of expectations are essential as for the transformation of regions into places [ i.e. collective concepts into individual ‘ action spaces ' ] , centres of feeling of belonging to time-space specific , more or less abstract reference groups or communities .
8 A relativist will deny that there is a unique category , ‘ science ’ , that is intrinsically superior to other forms of knowledge , although it may well be that individuals or communities place a high value on what is usually referred to as science .
9 The emergence of a science of ecology depended not so much on changing assumptions about Nature as upon the creation of a community ( or communities ) of researchers who saw the study of natural relationships as their primary goal .
10 The visit to Scotland , which reinforced both his affection for the beauty of that country and his interest in her history ( for he was always attached to small countries or communities which had clung to their traditions ) had produced the poem ‘ Rannoch , by Glencoe ’ , published in the New English Weekly , 17 October 1935 .
11 A third approach , that of Le Page and Tabouret-Keller , also treats the individual speaker as the focus of interest , but regards the relationship between the individual and his/her ( perceived ) community or communities as the key factor influencing linguistic behaviour .
12 No consideration was given to what would happen to those working in the industry , their families or communities .
13 Family doctor & community health services
14 In a survey of medical genetics published in November , 1982 in Midwife Health Visitor & Community News , is an account of a couple who both suffered from ‘ achondroplasia ’ , a condition which causes severe short-limbed dwarfism .
15 Job Clubs , Job Markets & Community Employment Agency
16 Job Clubs , Job Markets & Community Employment Agency
17 Personal , family & community topics —
18 Social & Community Planning Research
19 Some earlier , related research by the same team is reported in Language in School & Community ( ed N Mercer ; Edward Arnold 1981 ) .
20 Social & Community Planning Research
21 School of Cultural & Community Studies
22 Social & Community Planning Research
23 It is by making use of this complexity of an extended observing participation I believe anthropology can edge beyond its contemporaries in the other social sciences , so that the ‘ thick description ’ which Geertz ( 1975 ) urged us to use , takes on the ‘ finer grain and detail ’ necessary for an anthropology at home ( MacDonald 1987 : 120 ) where access to the social group or community studied is readily available to any demand for analytic reassessment .
24 It should be noted that help from the Social Fund for funeral expenses is only available where there is insufficient money in the estate , and where the person making the arrangements is in receipt of income support , housing benefit or community charge benefit , or is the partner of someone receiving these benefits .
25 The person who applies for the grant must be receiving income support , housing benefit or community charge benefit or be the partner of someone receiving those benefits .
26 From 1 January 1991 , if you receive income support , housing benefit , family credit or community charge benefit , you can get a grant under the Home Energy Efficiency Scheme ( HEES ) .
27 These would have to be stringent enough to ensure that the country 's borrowing did not put pressure on national or Community interest rates .
28 Identification from the outside of the issues facing any particular area or community is extremely difficult .
29 They also need to be reasonably labour intensive and give a high level of added value which can be retained by the production unit or community involved .
30 From a rural development point of view it is preferable that such industries have a family or community labour base and that the initiative for their establishment comes principally from the community .
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