Example sentences of "[coord] become " in BNC.

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1 Even their kisses might give him a disease from which he would die or become horribly spotty .
2 We girls were all preparing to nurse or become deaconesses in order to help with the pastoral life of the Church .
3 Its heart beat may speed up or become weak , its breathing heavy and laboured , and it may eventually go into convulsions or start bleeding .
4 One who inherits a title whilst a Member of the House of Commons or a candidate for a seat in it can remain or become a Member for only one month before disclaiming .
5 The ingredients of some pesticides have been found not to be injurious to fish , but when an otter consumes a large amount of fish which have absorbed those chemicals , then the otter can become affected and may die or become sterile .
6 My peers are more tolerant , more willing to accept me for what I am rather than for what I might produce or become in the hierarchy .
7 By marginal he means that he does n't know whether it will clear up or become irretrievably hopeless .
8 This can be useful in unnerving the attacker and in avoiding the common tendency to freeze or become immobile in the face of attack .
9 It was better to let it rot out on the field then go to the trouble to carry it wet because it would only rot or become mouldy and absolutely useless .
10 A.3.1 The Vendor will forthwith notify in writing to the Purchaser any matter or thing which may arise or become known to any of them after the date of this Agreement ( whether or not prior to Completion ) which is inconsistent with any of the Warranties or which is or may reasonably be anticipated to be material to be known by a Purchaser for value of the Business .
11 When a patient is detained under the MHA 1983 , but the physical disorder is not caused by or is not itself the cause of a mental disorder , a restrictive interpretation of this proposal could lead to the ridiculous scenario of doctors having to wait for such a patient to deteriorate or become unconscious before medical treatment could be initiated under the protection of common law duty of care and the doctrine of necessity .
12 The important thing is not to panic or become impatient because that way you could damage the document .
13 cost of training interviewers ; supervisors are needed to give assistance to interviewers and check against possible interviewer dishonesty ; travelling and subsistence must be paid even when the respondent proves to be unavailable or uncooperative interviewers may leave or become stale
14 This makes the sensation much worse and , believing the aircraft is still stalled in spite of their recovery action , they are liable to panic and become unable to think or act in time to avoid diving into the ground .
15 If the glider gets wet before taking off for a high climb , the airbrakes may freeze up and become unusable .
16 They broke away to work independently and become their own masters .
17 If they do , the next day Rover may believe the owners will come home and become aggressive without any reason .
18 In a lecture in 1983 he argued that a civil servant who could answer ‘ yes ’ to the question ‘ Is he one of us ? ’ should retire and become a party politician .
19 Better to surrender quietly to that hell of pain , to slide into it , to crumble and fold like burning straw , to merge and coalesce and become one with it , until , phoenix-like , she floated away on the other side , whole and free .
20 The woman , who has three children by him , is desperate to have her official designation changed from ‘ coloured ’ to white , so they can marry and become ‘ respectable ’ , and her struggle to live normally becomes impossible when the examining board refuses her request .
21 Cheese stored at room temperature will quickly begin to sweat and become very strong .
22 It may be that this will gradually work through and become apparent in the activists in about five years .
23 Who knows , even if they do catch me , Mr Crangle and I might get on and become good friends . ’
24 He decided to return home and become the wealthy and considerate family man .
25 Such rejections could easily harden and become two-sided , obliterating family memory itself .
26 Alkali soluble soils : are organic soils normally found in heavy layers adhering to surfaces or which have been compacted or allowed to dry out and become hard .
27 It feeds the soul , so that we can grow spiritually and become more like Jesus Christ .
28 The fallopian tubes are exceedingly delicate organs lined by ciliated ( hairy ) epithelium , which can gently waft the ovum from the ovary to the uterus , where , if it has been fertilized , it will implant and become a developing foetus .
29 In a similar manner , if cells of the sponge ( the bath sponge is the skeleton laid down by the sponge ) are separated into a random mixture of individual cells they will actively move around and become reorganized into a normal sponge , with the cells in the correct relationship with one another .
30 ‘ In case you 've got to go and become a father again ! ’
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