Example sentences of "beyond the scope [prep] this book " in BNC.

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1 Although the discussion of this process is beyond the scope of this book we must not forget that the whole outline of history is sketched in The German Ideology for two purposes and not for itself .
2 Suicide , when someone decides to take their own life by one means or another , rather than waiting to die through illness or accident , is not the same as euthanasia which may be defined as assisted death and which is a subject beyond the scope of this book .
3 It is beyond the scope of this book , and its author , to pursue the philosophical implications .
4 To answer them would go beyond the scope of this book .
5 The style and scope of a farmhouse is a matter of means and taste and is mainly beyond the scope of this book ; one point , however , is very important : the back entrance .
6 If you are near the right markets , you may concentrate on horticultural crops for sale , but that is beyond the scope of this book .
7 It is beyond the scope of this book to enter deeply into these problems , a full understanding of which would demand of the reader a specialized knowledge of monetary economics .
8 It is beyond the scope of this book to describe authentic lymphatic drainage massage as practised by professionals .
9 It is beyond the scope of this book to go into dietary reform in any detail , but the following steps outline a wholefood diet as recommended by many aware nutritionists .
10 One could go further and give more weight to differences with lower sampling variability , but that takes us into confirmatory statistics and beyond the scope of this book .
11 There are formal procedures for deciding how large a difference in the ds needs to be before we decide to take the interaction seriously , but these are beyond the scope of this book .
12 Curative treatment for such conditions is quite beyond the scope of this book .
13 However , these and similar discussions are beyond the scope of this book .
14 A detailed description of the method developed , however , is beyond the scope of this book and interested readers are directed to the original papers .
15 The discussion will be confined largely to general principles of treatment which should be applicable in most hospital settings , because a comprehensive description of all aspects of treatment is beyond the scope of this book .
16 It is at this point that library promotion and publicity broadens into public relations , which , in its fullest treatment , is beyond the scope of this book .
17 This is a very large issue mostly beyond the scope of this book except to note that ergonomics is an exemplar of a style of thinking which is based on characteristics of people .
18 A full discussion of that issue is beyond the scope of this book , but I would agree with those commentators who argue that its persistence tells us a great deal more about the present than the past .
19 Proper exploration of these issues is , unfortunately , beyond the scope of this book .
20 A full discussion of the methods of distributing the general grant is beyond the scope of this book .
21 Here we begin to approach the level of cohesion ( which we shall deal with in 11 ) , as well as the combination of clauses within sentences , and thus grammar , which is beyond the scope of this book .
22 Such questions go well beyond the scope of this book , but they point us away from the epistemological frame of reference of this chapter towards the socio-cultural one of the next .
23 The institutional distribution of types of course has interesting policy implications which , however , go beyond the scope of this book ; here we need to explore further the types themselves .
24 This means that something at least must be said about alternative types of ambiguity , although a detailed treatment would be well beyond the scope of this book .
25 However , it is this latter point that holds the key to understanding the different views , and , although a full analysis is beyond the scope of this book , it is worth exploring briefly .
26 This issue is beyond the scope of this book and the interested reader is referred to papers by Studdert-Kennedy and Shankweiler ( 1970 ) , Shankweiler ( 1971 ) , Blumstein ( 1974 ) , Cutting ( 1974 ) , Darwin ( 1974 ) , Liberman ( 1974 ) , Berlin and MacNeill ( 1976 ) and Berlin ( 1977 ) .
27 A detailed analysis of such techniques is beyond the scope of this book , and so the coverage given to them will be generally limited to their marketing applications .
28 This is a particularly complex issue , largely beyond the scope of this book .
29 Whilst a detailed analysis of system dynamics is beyond the scope of this book , its application to sales forecasting is illustrated by an example , below .
30 A description of personality traits is beyond the scope of this book , but they may be categorised in a simple manner under three headings , thus : * role traits : which are those parts of the personality which determine how an individual will react or behave in particular situations , and will react to the expectations of others in that situation .
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