Example sentences of "high [noun sg] [prep] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She had long since left the path and he had been travelling across rough land for some time — there was a high trail of dust behind the vehicle .
2 The edible species grow at times of high predation as epiphytes on the less palatable .
3 This also produces a high measure of breakage of the bones of their prey , although not as great as that of mammalian predators .
4 The aim is to achieve a high level of income with the prospect of long-term capital growth .
5 Not only are they the most identifiable group in terms of their appearance , but also in terms of the high level of activity among the group which is apparent even to the casual observer .
6 said : ‘ We are extremely optimistic because of the high level of activity in the petrochemical industry . ’
7 The tasks of the CSSU staff were poorly defined , and it was not possible to achieve a high level of identification with the organisation .
8 ‘ We are moving into an economic environment where the number of scheme members , the increasing number of pensioners , and the high level of holdings in the equity of public companies by pension funds mean that a situation of uncertainty is undesirable .
9 Church architecture of the medieval period demonstrates a high level of awareness of the effect of form on consciousness .
10 For an established and successful brand , the objectives might well be , to a large extent , ‘ maintenance ’ objectives : to keep a high level of awareness of the brand , ideally as one of the first two in its field spontaneously named by respondents to a regular survey ( something often described in the US as ‘ share of mind ’ ) ; to maintain a high level of belief in the brand 's superiority over its main competitor on certain key attributes of the product type ; to encourage people to offer the product to their visitors .
11 Such bodies are set up outside government partly so that they can attract skilled personnel who might not be prepared to work for the core of government ; so that they can develop a high level of expertise in the area they are responsible for ; and so that they can develop policy in an atmosphere divorced from direct party political pressures .
12 In France , by contrast , there was a polarisation of skills , characterised by a high level of expertise among the managerial cadres and technicians , and a very low proportion of skilled craftspeople among the shop-floor workers .
13 A ¼ wavelength retardation plate ensures a high level of brightness through the depth of the specimen .
14 " It has been established fairly convincingly that marital success is associated with a correspondingly high level of happiness in the parents and the absence of divorce and separation in their marriages , " writes Dr Jack Dominian .
15 Despite the defeat of the current plotters , the main danger to the government was of another coup attempt , which was seen by many as almost inevitable , given the high level of politicization within the armed forces , the almost total lack of respect for the Constitution , and the inability of the President to move decisively and quickly enough against the disaffected elements .
16 This may help them assess the range of teaching quality within the school , on the assumption that a generally high level of provision across the week for a given class will tend to produce better attendance and vice versa .
17 A useful reference work , although some definitions presuppose a fairly high level of knowledge by the students .
18 Carrying a high level of exposure within the organisation , the Senior Economist will play a crucial role within the Market Planning Department , managing the interest margin of the Company 's core business .
19 There was a high level of involvement in the decision to apply for fundholding status ( table I ) .
20 In effect , what is required is to place under a contemporary hyper-text interface , data-base models which are very powerful , yet can provide a high level of abstraction to the end-user .
21 This is done by presenting them with programmes designed for native speakers and setting tasks which assume a high level of comprehension of the video material .
22 Two other groups of ten subjects were allowed either six one-hour naps or one six-hour nap during the experiment , and they both managed to maintain a high level of performance on the tasks .
23 It is a common and enormously frustrating experience for foreign language learners , presented with the opportunity to participate in authentic conversation with native speakers , to fail to join in successfully , despite having a high level of proficiency in the classroom .
24 CytR has extensive homology with well-characterized DNA binding proteins like LacI and GalR that contact palindromic sites via two identical subunits ( 28–31 ) , and specifically CytR contains a region exhibiting a high level of homology with the α-helix-turn-α-helix motif found in the DNA binding domain of several well-characterized DNA binding proteins ( 32 ) .
25 A high level of mobility in the structure allows for continuous interchange of roles and ideas , and retains for the Unified National Command the closeness to grass roots that is required to make it truly reflect people 's wishes and sentiments .
26 This found not only a generally high level of support for the police , but that this spread throughout the class structure ( indeed was marginally higher in the working class ) .
27 It offers a high level of support for the teacher , with detailed lesson plans , suggestions for further activities , and an introduction to teaching methods .
28 ‘ The public has also played its part in developing the proposals , particularly by way of a comprehensive consultation exercise during which they gave a high level of support for the principles . ’
29 The high level of marking of the first two occurrences ( " Martian " and " Mars ' ) can be explained by their foregrounded status in being located near the beginning of the schema instantiation .
30 Most people are aware , for instance , that a major link between those who suffer heart attacks is that they tend to have a high level of cholesterol in the blood .
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