Example sentences of "fact that it be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The deferential tone , and the fact that it 's couched as a letter rather than as a minute , suggest that it was directed to someone outside the Civil Service .
2 It is well worth visiting and contains facsimiles of many fine and interesting manuscripts , but be prepared for the fact that it is geared to schools and is therefore rather didactic .
3 The fact that it is made by men with no faces and only two fingers each merely makes it all the more remarkable .
4 Citizens have an obligation to obey law by virtue of the fact that it is made in accordance with established procedures .
5 The petition must state : ( i ) the amount of the debt ( in sterling , converted from any foreign currency at the official exchange rate at the date of issue of the petition , by analogy with r 6.111 ) , the consideration for it ( or , if there is no consideration , the way in which it arises ) and the fact that it is owed to the petitioner ; ( ii ) when the debt was incurred or became due ; ( iii ) if the debt includes interest or any other charge accruing from time to time , the amount or rate of the charge ( separately identified ) and the grounds upon which it is claimed to form part of the debt provided that , in the case of a petition based upon a statutory demand , only the interest claimed in the demand is included ; ( iv ) that the debt is unsecured , and either that the debt is for a liquidated sum payable immediately and the debtor appears to be unable to pay it , or that the debt is for a liquidated sum payable at some certain future specified time and the debtor appears to have no reasonable prospect of being able to pay it .
6 Now there are various ways in which a policy could be expressed but the policy that 's come up erm from North Yorkshire and the fact that it is deported by the district who would be defining that policy and interpreting it in view of their local circumstances in due course , I think er makes it a powerful factor in arguing why it should be included in the structure plan as to whether such a policy may or may not be necessary .
7 Law , that is to say , is made valid by my experience of it , and not by the fact that it is presented to me as law .
8 Rather , he accepts as a sufficient reason for following a prescription the fact that it is prescribed by someone acknowledged by him as entitled to rule .
9 This is the fact that it is based on what has appeared to be a uniquely simple fuel , and one whose exploitation could avoid dependence on a variety of other uncertain choices .
10 As we have seen , Strawson 's analysis gains its plausibility from the fact that it is based on an appeal to our everyday view of ourselves , which is offered as an a priori reason for adopting an individualist approach .
11 Well , there is the fact that it is connected to sensory endings that are designed specifically to respond to vibrations in the air .
12 The backwash is reduced in energy by the percolation of water into the shingle , so that the backwash is not necessarily able to return the material carried forward by the swash in spite of the fact that it is combined with the effect of gravity , whereas the swash is acting against gravity .
13 GSR as a measure can , of course , be criticised for the fact that it is known to be closely related to the subject 's expectancies and preparations for action .
14 First , it is too brief ( a rare complaint ! ) ; secondly , the fact that it is published by the consultants and not by DoE or HMSO reduces its ease of accessibility .
15 Advertise the fact that it is marked with a sticker .
16 The fact that it is concentrated in the poorer areas is no justification for such behaviour , for which there can be no justification ; it increases the urgency of the need to find a solution .
17 It is also quite clear that if , prior to the ten year charge , the asset had been located in the United Kingdom the fact that it is taken outside the United Kingdom so that trust becomes an excluded property trust does not cause a tax charge in itself .
18 The undesirable aspect of duress is not in the absence of choice but in the fact that it is engineered in order to extract the consent .
19 But the fact that it is protected by unwritten convention rather than by a legal constitution means that there is no external brake upon Parliament or the courts moving to restrict it in particular ways , as the mood of the times takes them .
20 It is also worth bearing in mind another old saw , which would n't be an old saw but for the fact that it is proved by practice : Oppositions do not win elections ; governments lose them .
21 After 1934 this was to be combined with the anti-semitic obsession of both ultra-conservative reactionary fascism and racial nationalist traditions in the BUF , despite the fact that it was expressed in slightly less virulent form and appeared to have more social roots .
22 The fact that it was rejected in a referendum last year does not mean that it was a bad reform package .
23 An expensive film may well be a flop ( Blade Runner cost $27 million yet took under $15 million in North American ( NA ) rentals , which are traditionally supposed to cover negative — that is production — costs for break-even ) ; the fact that it was intended to be profitable puts it in the domain of popular cinema .
24 In Protestant countries the morality of sexual restraint and fidelity was supposed to be binding on both sexes , but the very fact that it was felt to be so even by those who broke it , led them not so much into hypocrisy as into personal torment .
25 Like MI6 , for many years GCHQ did not officially exist despite the fact that it was listed in several yearbooks .
26 What is of considerable interest and of value in assessing the rights and wrongs of it , is the fact that it was conducted from beginning to end entirely on the one issue , that of the sovereign rights of the inhabitants .
27 Its size , elaborate smithing and the fact that it was made of silver meant that the offering must have been exceedingly valuable .
28 Small though the total take was in 866 ( 4,000 lb of silver ) , the significant point was not its size but the fact that it was raised in cash through a generalised tax .
29 That other people think the job has been well done is far more important to him , he says , than the fact that it was done by him .
30 erm A lot of people gave as a reason for getting a particular piece of furniture the fact that it was given to them by their parents when they got married , or that a neighbour was trying to get rid of it , or that somebody from work had passed it on and they needed one .
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