Example sentences of "fact [that] [pron] [be] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Not just the nudity of the girls , or their poses , but the fact that nobody was looking at them , except herself .
2 The mere fact that something is sold as a bulk product to a specification need not , in itself , decide that one should move out of it .
3 The fact that what is seen as crime varies with different societies does not affect the definition of crime — as an act which breaks the criminal law of the particular society .
4 Taylor said : ‘ We have to face up to the fact that we 're falling behind other countries who do things regarding fitness as a matter of course . ’
5 I hope that in the time of the consultation they actually begin to take on board the fact that we 're talking about human beings .
6 The fact that we call both our mother 's brother and father 's brother by the same term does not mean that we are unaware of the fact that we are related to them in different ways or that we can not express this difference by using such phrases as ‘ my uncle on my mother 's side ’ .
7 So er as you can see , there is a FIMBRA logo on there , and that actually refers to the fact that we are regulated under FIMBRA er rules , that 's the Financial Intermediaries and Managers Regulatory Authority .
8 For some Christians the fact that we are made in God 's image means that we are in some respects killing God if we attempt suicide , and so there can be no more serious sin .
9 The hon. Gentleman 's supplementary question ignored the fact that we are talking about NATO policy .
10 Heidegger 's Geworfenheit , the fact that we are thrown onto the dice-board , without choosing when or where or whether , that must always be a source of anxiety .
11 " We are delighted to have been awarded full Order off Merit status on the European Tour , and the fact that we are coming to Fulford and thereby preserving an unbroken record of 20 years championship golf in this region , is equally pleasing , " said Paul Vaughan , Sponsorship Director of Whitbread & Company .
12 The fact that we were looking towards the United States might have been an acceptable concept during the war , but it has been an unacceptable concept for the past 12 years , during which Europe has been creating itself and showing an enthusiasm for a single European currency and a central bank and for increasing the powers of the European Community 's institutions .
13 Obviously the maid was disguised in view of the fact that we were known to be looking for two women travelling together .
14 However , the limitations of these data must be borne in mind , especially the fact that they are limited to a single point in time .
15 Acts undertaken for another purpose and not in order to consent can constitute consent if undertaken in the belief that they will confer a right or impose a duty and if the fact that they are undertaken with such a belief is the reason for them having this result .
16 Quite apart from the fact that they are bound to be different something approaching 60% of the basic functions will be identical ; loading , saving , printing , editing , type selection , etc .
17 The Hebrew Scriptures serve as the basis for two great world religions — Christianity and Judaism — and it is in full consciousness of this fact that they are studied in the Department of Hebrew and Old Testament Studies .
18 Consequently , the vast majority of rugs made in Central Asia are collectively referred to as Turkomans , regardless of the fact that they are made by a number of specific tribes ( Beshir , Tekke , Ersari , etc. ) , while individual items may be marketed under either the collective Turkoman heading or the name of the actual weaving tribe .
19 Many teachers try to obscure the fact that they are teaching in a multiracial school .
20 In the second , nervous disorders have no effect on absenteeism , despite the fact that they are caused by poor jobs .
21 There is an unresolved tension between the fact that the perceptions of mystics are seen as fundamentally important to the human condition and the fact that they are given to so few .
22 Therefore , they try to conceal the fact that they are talking to people , sometimes by giving the impression through non-verbal behaviour that they are issuing directions , or by calling at their homes .
23 More significant is the fact that they are concentrated in a limited number of types of job .
24 And , as Bukharin pointed out , such products — armaments — are non-reproductive , and this combined with the fact that they are paid for out of surplus-value makes them non-productive of further surplus-value .
25 The fact that they are performing to a camera instead of just for the teacher or the rest of the class makes the whole thing less artificial .
26 And sub-section ( 4 ) defines ‘ relevant employee shares ’ as ‘ shares of the company which would be relevant in it but for the fact that they are held by a person who acquired them in pursuance of an employees ’ share scheme ’
27 Given the amount of calls and the fact that they 're telephoned in different areas it seems a lot of trouble to go through if it was a hoax .
28 That sport and , for that matter , entertainment may not be viable avenues from despair is less important than the fact that they were seen as such by groups who saw no alternatives .
29 It mean in fact that they were thinking of abstractions in quite a different way from the way we think of them .
30 ( The curious names of Svalocin and Rotanev are due to the fact that they were christened by an otherwise obscure astronomer named Nicolaus Venator ! )
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