Example sentences of "men who have [vb pp] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Scenes from the evening flashed before her eyes : the dignity of the old man to whom Ludovico had gently presented her and with whom she had performed a stately dance , delicately held in his wizened old arms ; the young men who had made a ring around her and Ludo before lifting them on to their shoulders and carrying them back to Santo Spirito ; the women who had caressed her blonde hair and whispered , ‘ Bella !
2 Prayers sprang to the lips of men who had made a trade out of phoney miracles .
3 Employers for instance tended to reject the view that all men who had served an apprenticeship were skilled .
4 It was a term used by common soldiers — men who had shared a tent , a bowl of meat , or the last of the wine .
5 In the second case , the appellant had been identified by the victim as one of three men who had committed a robbery .
6 Amongst those men who had had a job immediately before registration , the coming to an end of a temporary job was the most important reason for their becoming unemployed .
7 The profiles of outstanding men who 'd achieved a lot were supposed to give data for the development of new drugs .
8 THESE questions , about men who have played an innings of 300 or more , are moderately easy , and the reader might like to tackle them without a reference book , at least to begin with .
9 men who have accepted a system of values by which to live , can not without courting in-efficiency and chaos keep for long a fenced-off portion of their lives where they think and behave according to a contrary set of values .
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