Example sentences of "women ['s] [noun] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Tobacco advertisers nevertheless reach a collective readership of 7mn such women by using magazines that do n't fall within the tight definition in the agreement ; and they increased their spend on cigarette advertising in women 's magazines by 10% in real terms between 1984 and 1988 .
2 Thus what is interesting about the women 's magazines in England during the first years of the twentieth century is not the content of the advice given on child rearing , but the fact that so little advice is given at all ; sometimes , from one year to the next , children are barely mentioned save for the occasional appealing illustrations , the pattern for a christening bonnet or the recipe for a nursery pudding .
3 It also presupposes that the assumptions upon which social policies have been based in the past have changed in recent years in order to facilitate women 's participation in activities outside the home .
4 Presenting women 's viewpoint in development through interpersonal and mass media will explode several myths of patriarchal society , especially those assuming that ‘ male-defined reality ’ is the only reality , that political and economic systems created by men are superior and that women must merely be integrated into these systems .
5 Patsy remains one of the very few sexual renegades who have dared to wear women 's clothes in front of their teammates .
6 To extrapolate what they might say about women 's experience under patriarchy on the basis of comments about the reading material they choose is quite a leap .
7 Yet this difference is reinforced and indeed exacerbated by the women 's experience of physics at university .
8 Since the feminist perspective is necessarily critical , feminist philosophy is not a way of articulating women 's experience in parallel with men 's : it is not a form of relativism .
9 The women 's mini-marathon in Dublin on Sunday June 13 is one of two events in which Co-operation North are engaged .
10 Even a writer such as Elizabeth Roberts , who has a very strong view of women 's sense of responsibility towards their relatives during this period , acknowledges that old people living with relatives but unable to contribute any longer to the household economy might well be ‘ neglected ’ or ‘ pushed into a corner ’ through force of circumstances : ‘ Although the duty to care for relatives was a paramount one , rarely ignored , it is also true to say that the quality of care varied from the dreadful to the superb ’ ( Roberts , 1984 , p. 179 ) .
11 She later published an account of the work of the women 's branch in Women in the Factory : an Administrative Adventure , 1893–1921 ( 1922 ) .
12 Women had all the constraints of family life to cope with ; children at school , shopping and housekeeping , but no sympathy was expressed by male members of the group as to the comparative hardness of the women 's lives in terms of demands on them , such as few hours of sleep .
13 Since , in many tribal societies , women were either pregnant or nursing during most of their fertile period of life , this monthly menstrual withdrawal did not affect women 's lives from month to month as much as it might seem to us today .
14 American Julie Parisien overcame a stomach bug to win the women 's slalom in front of her home crowd in Park City , Utah .
15 In the bright sunshine each September in central Africa , the ngwazi ( conqueror ) Dr Kamuzu Banda , Life President and over eighty years old , has addressed 20,000 members of the women 's federation of Malawi for no less than three hours .
16 Since this is inextricably bound up with women 's position in society as the prime providers of such tending , it becomes difficult to say whether the depressed status of such work is a result of a system of male domination of women or whether such work has been allocated to women as part of that process .
17 Friedan condemns Freud 's account of women on the grounds that he was a ‘ prisoner of his own culture ’ ( 1965 : 93 ) , and criticizes psychoanalytic attempts to explain women 's position in terms of a natural feminine sexuality .
18 These include : ratings of satisfaction/dissatisfaction with housework , child-care , marriage , employment work and life generally ; an assessment of the women 's level of identification with the housewife role , and the level of definition applied to housework standards and routines ; an assessment of the marriage relationship as ‘ segregated ’ or ‘ joint ’ on the two dimensions of leisure activities and decision-making , and , lastly , an assessment of the husband 's part in the division of labour as reported by his wife .
19 England have selected five new internationals , Ann Hayward , Betty Mackerness , Wynn Sowerby , Sheila White and 1991 national singles winner Jean Evans , for the British Isles Women 's Championships at Bournemouth from July 13–16 .
20 On the practical level , changes in social policies which reduce women 's claims to maintenance on men but do not recognise that changes in the division of responsibilities for caring between men and women within the family and between the family and the wider community are also required , may in the end be counter-productive as far as women are concerned .
21 Women 's claims to maintenance from the state have been subject to different constraints .
22 Overall , women 's claims to maintenance from the state both determine and are determined by their relationship to their families and the formal labour market .
23 Historians have commented on working women 's fatalism in respect to childbirth and the material conditions of their lives .
24 A telephone poll of athletes by national cross-country coach Bud Baldaro , who was not consulted by the UKCCC , revealed that most athletes likely to figure prominently strongly favoured accepting an offer by the Women 's Cross-Country and Road Running Association to incorporate the men 's trial into the women 's event at Birkenhead on February 16 .
25 Durie , who has already lamented the standard of British women 's tennis on show at Telford this week , has now dropped only 16 games in four matches .
26 Since 1979 , it has announced special awards to senior women in the visual arts and also mid-career achievement awards for significant contributions to the Women 's Caucus for Art of to the furthering of its goals .
27 ‘ Beyond the Boundaries ’ was the 21st annual national conference held by the Women 's Caucus for Art in Seattle , US .
28 Doctors concentrated on the best way of achieving the healthy development of women 's reproductive systems and in so doing elevated women 's capacity for reproduction into a moral and social duty .
29 The fourth issue is women 's lack of control in their own political process .
30 When however we turn to women , items of clothing have a very different signification , a signification corresponding to women 's lack of power in the society .
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