Example sentences of "per [no cls] [prep] the [adj] two " in BNC.

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1 Most lucrative of all , at the end of his life , was his farm of the customs on imported silks , which provided him with £1,333 per annum up to 1610 and £7,000 per annum for the next two years .
2 In the subsidy goods of this value were taxed at 10 per cent for the first two years , the same rate as for land , the owners of which were mostly drawn from the wealthier strata , and double what was levied on smaller assessments .
3 It came on a day of positive signs for the British economy , with the Bank of England saying it thought inflation would remain below the Government 's target of 4 per cent for the next two years , and cautious indications of a pick-up in high street spending .
4 The Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change has constantly warned governments that the business of reducing carbon dioxide emissions ( by 60 per cent over the next two or three decades ) can not be put off any longer .
5 The government on Oct. 15 made limited concessions to the unions over welfare cuts , lifting the ceiling on pension rises slightly to a total of 3.5 per cent over the next two years , and altering the annual income ceiling for eligibility for health concessions .
6 No one company has a big slice of the business and we 're aiming to increase our share by 10 or 11 per cent over the next two years . ’
7 However , investment in energy efficiency has fallen by 28 per cent over the last two years .
8 As a result of these measures turnover has risen by 22 per cent over the last two years with profits up by 447 per cent to an annual average of 93,000 .
9 In the depths of the worst recession for 60 years , carbon dioxide emissions in the UK actually increased by 2 per cent over the past two years .
10 Spending on energy conservation has fallen by 28 per cent over the past two years , despite the government 's public commitment in the environment white paper to saving energy as the principal means of combating the greenhouse effect .
11 A spokesman for ICI said that the company is " committed to reducing emissions of all kinds " and had reduced discharges of hazardous waste by 48 per cent over the past two years .
12 Taking all types of respondents together their ratings were similar for people who had not been in a residential home at all and those who had been in one for a year or more , while those who had only spent part of the last year of their lives in a residential home were generally felt to have had a worse quality of life : for 39 per cent of them it was rated as poor compared with 27 per cent of the other two groups .
13 For example , sterling 's real exchange rate relative to the dollar rose by over 40 per cent between late 1977 and late 1980 , only to fall by about 35 per cent in the following two years .
14 As a result , output has been revised upwards by 0.2 per cent in the first two quarters and 0.3 per cent in the third , and the trend throughout 1992 now looks even flatter than before .
15 In the Augsburger Nationalzeitung , the main Party organ for the region of Swabia , 62 per cent of announcements mentioned the Führer in June 1940 , only 29 per cent in November and December 1941 , and only 11.5 per cent in the last two months of 1942 .
16 Domestic consumption in France is estimated to have risen by 20 per cent in the last two decades .
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