Example sentences of "most of [Wh det] [be] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If its editors can elicit combative prose from a wider range of directors , future editions could yet provide an antidote to the star-struck hype that makes up most of what is written about the movies .
2 Their two boys of three and five would be eating Jaffa cakes for breakfast , lunch and supper if their parents did n't insist that they eat up most of what is put in front of them .
3 Most of what is known about acute aluminium poisoning comes from studying patients treated for kidney failure by dialysis .
4 Most of what is known about Leapor derives from a letter by her friend and mentor , Bridget Freemantle , to a gentleman in London , probably John Duncombe though possibly John Blencowe .
5 Most of what is known about him is derived from a Life by Izaak Walton published in 1670 .
6 Most of what is known about social development is based on the study of encounters between a child and one other person , yet much of a child 's life takes place in groups of more than two persons — within the family , the neighbourhood peer groups , the pre-school group , and so on .
7 Though many polar invertebrate species appear to be endemic , very little is known of their biology : the liveliest , most prominent and most numerous elements are the arthropods , and these have provided most of what is known on adaptations and ways of life in terrestrial and freshwater environments .
8 I think I have read most of what was written by or about him in English between the seventeenth century and , say , 1975 .
9 But Lombroso laid down the foundations of most of what was to follow in genetic theories of crime .
10 It now accounts for 15% of total income , most of which is generated in Germany .
11 Landowners singled out for attention on Forbidden Britain day included the Earl of Macclesfield , who owns an estate of 8,000 acres , most of which is denied to the public , and Viscount Parker , who has an estate in the Oxfordshire Chilterns .
12 Even so , running the place costs nearly £5,000 ( $1,850 ) a month , most of which is covered by donations ( The Economist made a modest one ) .
13 Topographically , both Wales and the Auvergne have large areas of upland and mountain , most of which is established as LFA under the 1975 Directive .
14 He is committed to developing the character of Christ in our lives , most of which is accomplished through our interaction with other people .
15 There is also , though , a growing body of literature on the acquisition of deictic terms by children , most of which is referenced in Wales , 1979 and Tanz , 1980 , while a useful collection of cross-linguistic observations can be found in Anderson & Keenan , in Press .
16 Ozone is an oxygen-based gas , most of which is found about 20–30km above the Earth 's surface in the zone known as the ‘ stratosphere ’ .
17 The EC imports 4.5 to 5m tonnes of maize gluten annually , most of which is used by Dutch and German traders .
18 The increased competition from imported coal which the proposed privatization of the electricity industry was expected to unleash would also force down the price of British mined coal — most of which is used in CEGB power stations .
19 There 's I think it 's approximately twenty six hectares identified , erm most of which is committed in one way or another .
20 In part the practical difficulty of withholding tax most of which is deducted at source has prevented it from ever assuming large-scale proportions , while the fact that opposition has in the past tended to focus on specific wars , of which the Vietnam war was the most prominent recent example , ensured that it was usually a relatively transient phenomenon .
21 There are a similar number of natural products known today , most of which are called by trivial names , or as derivatives of a trivially named substance .
22 This is affected by many things , most of which are to do with the interests and the values of the researcher , which are usually interrelated .
23 You can be sure of a buzzing atmosphere at Romano 's ‘ Le Club ’ as it is situated in the Costa Azul zone which abounds with bars , restaurants and nightclubs , most of which are found within 100 metres of the hotel .
24 There are many varieties of blue cheeses , most of which are produced by introducing a controlled penicillium into the paste during ripening , although a few cheeses do blue naturally .
25 But also sandstones of the Upper Carboniferous ( Westphalian C and D and , in some cases , Stephanian ) as well as evaporites of the Zechstein ( Upper Permian ) and sandstones of the Bunter ( Lower Triassic ) serve as reservoirs , most of which are sealed by rock salt of Permian or Triassic age .
26 These are referred to as skeletal muscles , most of which are attached at both ends to bones .
27 These are referred to as skeletal muscles , most of which are attached at both ends to bones .
28 The drugs , most of which are contained in glass phials , will kill if taken , said police .
29 By 1988 , similar statutes , generally termed ‘ anti-profit ’ or ‘ literary profits laws ’ , were enacted in 34 of the United States , most of which are modelled on the New York legislation .
30 All the processes other than the actual embroidery are carried out in the numerous ‘ embroidery factories ’ , most of which are located in Funchal .
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