Example sentences of "rather [conj] [prep] [noun sg] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Thus Castro 's harangues against Washington were attempts to introduce an anti-American feeling rather than to rally support around one that already existed ( which is the case in many Latin American countries ) .
2 It has three main aims : the first is the democratic process of involving people in thinking , dealing , planning and playing an active part in the development and operation of services that affect their daily lives : the second relates to the value for personal fulfilment of belonging to a community : the third is concerned with the need in community planning to think of actual people in their relation to other people and the satisfaction of their needs as persons rather than to focus attention upon a series of separate needs and problems .
3 While the availability of systems such as SPSS meant that there was a temptation for humanists to fit their special data to the software , rather than to design software for the data , on the other hand there began to be developed systems for source-oriented data entry , of which the most famous was CLIO .
4 In what ways are the temperatures and the rainfall better suited for the successful growth of grass rather than for cash crops of wheat ?
5 The literature on home-school-community relations has concentrated mainly on parental participation in school , rather than on school participation in the ‘ communities ’ of the school .
6 Both were sponsored by the Metals sub-sector for specific categories of traffic , rather than by Railfreight Distribution for general Speedlink work .
7 They argued that decentralization could not be divorced from the increasing pressures which industry was facing , nor indeed from deindustrialization itself : that while location factors might indicate why movement took place from area A to area B rather than from area Y to area Z ( though the technical arguments above disputed even that ) , they gave no help in explaining why there was movement in the first place .
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