Example sentences of "place [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The latter accepts shelf-life [ i.e. that books will be available in the same place for a reasonable period of time ] as part of the process , the librarian-disposer wants quick clearance .
2 Whether or not you accept Idso 's claims , surely this is just the place for a critical appraisal of them ?
3 There was simply no place for a communist renegade in the Cold War political climate of postwar France .
4 There was no place for a young man of humbler origins who had shown what he could do by his own energy and determination .
5 A thousand feet on the QNH in solid cloud and driving rain ‘ somewhere near Maidenhead ’ is not a good place for a young pilot to be — especially with less than eighty hours flying time , no ratings , and in an aeroplane flown for only a few hours beforehand .
6 Just 1,000 feet on the QNH in solid cloud and driving rain ‘ somewhere near Maidenhead ’ is not a good place for a young pilot to be , especially one with less than eighty hours flying time , no ratings , and in an aeroplane flown for only a few hours beforehand !
7 It 's not a fit place for a young girl to be . ’
8 Dr Neil could have given her several answers , beginning with the beautiful hands lying in her lap which had visibly never done a stroke of work in their owner 's life , but said instead , ‘ A strange place for a young lady like yourself to look for it . ’
9 This is not the place for a jurisprudential exegesis on the nature of discretion .
10 There seems to be no place for a dying person on the surgical wards .
11 She has fond memories of the café , which was a popular meeting place for a large number of local children .
12 This is the place for a two-in-one kind of a holiday .
13 News that the US Federal Communications Commission 's Advisory Committee on Advanced Television Service , is now to review a single digital high definition television standard proposed by a a Grand Alliance of all four contending consortia is raising hopes that by mid-decade , all the key technologies and infrastructures will be in place for a full-scale merging of television and computer technology .
14 Although the new Prime Minister , the sickly Galician Republican Casares Quiroga , preferred to discount the existence of a serious conspiracy , and although the conspirators ’ preparations had not been easy , by the early summer all but the final pieces were in place for a military rising with strong right-wing civilian support .
15 If top panel is without perspective and bottom is nothing but perspective , then is that not the place for a different kind of vision ?
16 But it is precisely the sort of presupposition which anthropologists should challenge , allowing , as it does , so little place for a social construction of knowledge and values and so much for ( unexplained ) ‘ human nature ’ .
17 This is not the place for a proper discussion of Empson 's views , which like a great deal of British work are more concerned with critical method than with theory ( he wrote ( 1950 : 594 ) that ‘ a critic ought to trust his own nose , like the hunting dog , and if he lets any kind of theory or principle distract him from that , he is not doing his work ’ ) .
18 They will hedge against that bet no doubt by insuring the tournament against unforeseen disaster and having plans in place for a swift change of venue — possibly England and Wales .
19 The place for a quiet picnic on a Bank Holiday is now in the centre of the City of London — few people , little or no traffic and an ample supply of peace and quiet .
20 In resisting rationalism he risks emphasising paradox to the point where it can seem sheerly irrational ; his insistence on the otherness of God and the sinfulness of man , and his fondness for some of the more arbitrary-seeming accounts of God in the stories of Abraham and Job , leave much too little place for a positive grasp of grace and mercy , goodness and love , though he does attempt to give them place ; his stress upon the centrality of the incarnation of God in Jesus commonly seems to reduce to the bare repetition of the claim that Jesus was also , paradoxically , God , but not fully to work through the implications and purpose of this identification of God with man ; his bitter attacks upon ‘ Christendom ’ in his latter years reveal rather too much of the solitary individualist who has little sense of the nature of community .
21 This is not the place for a detailed critique of REPLAN , but elements within it ( such as the National Institute of Adult Continuing Education ( NIACE ) local development project ) are currently at a crucial stage .
22 I have not spoken in this place for a considerable period of time .
23 As we shall see inter-group behaviour in modern times is explicable primarily in terms of the social identities people adopt in relation to cultural and economic stresses , and the place for a biological factor in the discussion is here a very small one ( p. 390 ) .
24 On the contrary Olson is to be praised in the first place for the relentless hostility with which he presses the charge home :
25 Despite all the barriers and disadvantages encountered in the movement to a market economy , there is already an infrastructure in place for the future development of a music industry .
26 In 1712 , Atkyns describes a scene of great activity and speaks of Chalford as ‘ a remarkable place for the great number of clothing mills and the great quantity of cloth made there in the neighbourhood ’ .
27 In the House of Commons Sir Edward Boyle argued similarly the case for a ‘ continuing place for the non-autonomous sector within our national system of higher education ’ , but , he reflected , ‘ I was careful to preach no ‘ doctrine of eternal separation ’ , as Lord Robbins called it' .
28 There is unlikely to be a place for the blond-haired Effenberg despite his good performance at the European Championship finals .
29 This means that the registering and monitoring arrangements need to be changed and that the statutory authorities need to establish through the joint planning mechanisms a way of incorporating these changes , that health and local authorities need to create a place for the private sector in the planning progress and that the role of bodies like the Mental Welfare Commission , the Hospital Advisory Service , the health councils needs to be extended to encompass and specifically address the whole business of monitoring the provision in the private sector in so far as it 's supported by public funds .
30 ‘ It will be very difficult , though , to win a place for the European Championships in Sweden .
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