Example sentences of "although it is [adv] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Much of the writing on family law lacks any stated theoretical position , although it is generally underpinned by a welfare approach .
2 Although it is generally aimed at specific styles of mineralisation a wide range of elements are determined and a variety of techniques used .
3 A great deal could be written on the contrast between Chaucer and Gower reflected here : one might note , for instance , that incest plays a relatively small part in the tale of Appollonius , and that it is hardly condoned in the Canace and Machaire story of Gower although it is romantically treated in a tragic and sympathetic manner .
4 It is uncertain whether neuroleptic medication is protective against the effects of life events , although it is well accepted to be protective against high emotional arousal .
5 Although it is well established from modern observations that the methane content of the atmosphere is increasing at a rate of 1.7 per cent per year , about 600 billion kg , accurate measurements go back only 15 years .
6 The post-experience pattern has emerged chiefly in the management and administrative fields , although it is also found in teaching ( in post-school education and the proposed ‘ licensed teacher ’ scheme ) and some other service professions ( for example , voluntary social work experience is often a requirement for admission to social work courses ) .
7 Where the technique was first practised is unknown , although it is traditionally thought to be of Chinese origin , although there are accounts of it being used in India around 550 BC .
8 In horses , its prevalence is difficult to establish since infections rarely become patent although it is frequently incriminated as a cause of chronic coughing .
9 If a person intends doing someone harm , it can not be assumed that s/he displays a disdain towards humanity , although it is clearly directed towards the particular intended victim .
10 The statement that " these two chemicals , when mixed together , literally explode " , is , quite simply , false , although it is regularly repeated throughout creationist literature .
11 Although it is not made of gold , it is true that gold is a very common metal there .
12 Although it is not listed under O , there are a number of mentions in the index .
13 ‘ By its very nature it would appeal to unemployed people , although it is not geared towards them . ’
14 Chirk had been held by Gloucester and although it is not stated in the grant the king was evidently promoting , or at least sanctioning , an exchange of interests .
15 Chirk had been held by Gloucester and although it is not stated in the grant the king was evidently promoting , or at least sanctioning , an exchange of interests .
16 There is actually a thin path to the summit although it is not indicated on the OS maps and in mist would be difficult to locate .
17 Although it is not known for certain whether Yazid was present at Karbala , he is cast by the Shiites as the author of the incident , and the name is to this day a favourite Shiite epithet for a Sunni adversary — it was used in this sense during the 1980s war by the Tehran leadership when referring to that in Baghdad .
18 Although it is not mentioned in the Act , the Government intended to act as an agent of the Government of India , by using its compulsory powers to purchase the site of the India Office and sell it back to the Indian Government .
19 The advantage of negligent misstatement over normal negligence claims is that it can be used where the loss has only been economic , although it is not restricted to this .
20 Finally , although it is not proved beyond reasonable doubt , most experts agree that dry foods are beneficial to the teeth .
21 Monetary sources said work on setting up the EIF , which will have capital of two billion Ecu ( £1.4 billion ) and be funded by the EIB , the commission and private banks , was progressing well — although it is not expected to be operational before early next year .
22 Although it is not accompanied by laughter either from the speaker or other participants , there is evidence that the other participants do treat the Creole material as the salient content of the turn by responding to that rather than some other part of it .
23 The suffering involved which receives most publicity takes place in intensive or factory farms , although it is not confined to them .
24 Oranges and other citrus fruits and fresh vegetables are a ready source of vitamin C , although it is easily lost in the process of preparation and cooking .
25 Once complete , Fujitsu could negotiate a marketing deal for the technology , although it is currently occupied by its own Sparc-based parallel processing effort — see page two .
26 Government figures suggest a modest recovery in consumer spending , although it is mainly concentrated on ‘ cheap ’ items .
27 In prayer-rug designs this arch-shaped form is usually found at the top end of the composition , although it is sometimes employed at both ends in what are generally referred to as " double-ended " prayer rugs ( pls. 17 and 18 ) .
28 Although it is sometimes simulated by looking through a peephole , this gives only a crude approximation of the condition .
29 The ulcer is usually found on the glans penis or the foreskin , although it is sometimes found at the base of the shaft of the penis — the so-called ‘ condom chancre ’ .
30 For the most part MA atrophies and consequently the media in recent insects is generally MP , although it is usually designated by the symbol M. The Odonata and Plecoptera , however , seem to be unusual in retaining MA and not MP , while further research is needed into the constitution of the media in other Orthopteroid insects .
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