Example sentences of "although the [noun pl] do [not/n't] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Although the feet do not stretch and point in the way we still care about in the West , the dancers do not just move from position to position ; they dance in a long poem of fluently musical movement that is classical ballet 's chief claim to fame .
2 Although the documents do not specify William 's trade , one deed names him as witness along with three illuminators , three bookbinders , and a parchment-maker .
3 So , although the Bolsheviks did not start the inflationary process , they were unable to stop it either , despite their wish to do so in the first few months of Soviet rule .
4 It would effectively grant car makers such as Ford , BMW and Rover a monopoly in such after-sales parts , although the plans do not apply to mechanical products such as gearboxes and engine parts .
5 Although the courts do not refuse in principle to review the exercise of police discretionary powers , they do nevertheless exercise a great deal of caution and restraint to such a degree that it is difficult to see how in practice the principles of judicial review are capable of being used to challenge decisions to issue warrants where these are considered to be necessary for the prevention or detection of crime .
6 Although the commoners do not realise it , he is very subtly installing his own aspirations inside their heads .
7 Although the criteria did not have the status of legal rules , Cox argued nevertheless that he had a legitimate expectation that the Home Secretary would follow them when deciding whether the applicant 's telephone would be intercepted .
8 Harry knew he 'd been hit in the aircraft , feeling now the wetness of blood inside his shirt and trousers , although the wounds did n't hurt , only causing numbness .
9 Although the rules do not make this absolutely clear it would be extraordinary if they were interpreted as preventing a party from adducing any oral evidence , even that which had been set down in witness statements served in compliance with the direction , simply because he attempts to adduce additional oral evidence at trial which he should have included in an earlier witness statement .
10 Although the ionomers do not wear well and thus are not very popular , they will probably get better , and new innovations will follow thick and fast .
11 The demonstrations at the end of 1985 brought about a degree of response , although the authorities did not address the main issues raised by the students .
12 Although the railways do not approach this extreme position , there is a strong element of family recruitment in both BR and RENFE .
13 Although the police do not need to be certain that a person has heard or seen what is going on before they can call for quiet under the Act ( since it is sufficient that they have reasonable cause to believe that an offence is being committed ) , they would afterwards have to conduct house to house enquiries before they could truthfully say that the conduct was actually heard or seen by a bystander .
14 Although the guidelines do not have the force of law , they do influence the doctors ' judgement .
15 Although the liquidators did not have to release the transcripts , this could result in an injustice to the defendants in the criminal proceedings .
16 It presumes , although the parties did not anticipate the contract becoming impossible or illegal to perform , that nevertheless , if they had thought about it , they would have stated that further performance was to be excused .
17 Although the authors do not deny the importance of the social and political environment in which unions operate , as well as the effects of economic forces , these influences are dealt with in only a limited way .
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