Example sentences of "to have [been] the [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He none the less played a prominent part in 1520 in the preparations at Calais for the ‘ Field of the Cloth of Gold ’ , continued to supervise the works at Eton , and seems to have been the architect of St Stephen 's cloister in Westminster Palace .
2 The date specified in the affidavit will be the date deemed to have been the date of service unless the court otherwise orders .
3 This turns out to have been the date of Sylvius 's death .
4 As for Lydia , she was satisfied to have been the centre of attention for one day in her life .
5 Erm most of the furniture we choose either because we know it from inventories and lists to have been the kind of thing that was in middle class households in York , or in some cases like this , where we know the 's have actually owned something like this .
6 Something like this seems to have been the case with Tolkien .
7 He pointed out to the magistrates that the people of the parish had previously been law-abiding , that riotous demonstrations and the destruction of property were rare , and even now were believed by many of the farmers and traders ( and the poor themselves ) to have been the work of gypsies .
8 It is unlikely to have been the work of Asclepiodatus , who can scarcely have worked for Chlothar before 613 , given his association with Childebert II , and is equally unlikely to have been active after that date .
9 Oswulf 's overthrow seems to have been the consequence of challenge to the monopoly of royal power by the descendants of Leodwald as dynamic new forces entered the arena of Northumbrian dynastic politics .
10 An expert may have no entitlement to fees and expenses if the reference itself is invalid , as appears to have been the consequence in Darlington Borough Council v Waring & Gillow ( Holdings ) Ltd [ 1988 ] 2 EGLR 159 , discussed at 10.4.2 .
11 Werner Gerhardt , which was believed to have been the victim of A.A. fire by the Germans , but was probably shot down by Whittingham , and another He111 from 4/KG 26 which crash-landed on return with a dead gunner .
12 The money was said to have been the profits from drug-trafficking and kidnappings .
13 The second Vatican Council is said , at least by English Catholics , to have been the culmination of Newman 's ideas .
14 It would have been nice to have been the mother of Ben 's child .
15 First commissions could be obtained through political interest , and this would appear to have been the situation of Philip Hay , whom Admiral Lord Keith managed to place in the 11th Foot as an ensign on the strength of imaginary past service , though his patron remarked that ‘ if his father can not get at old General Grant or Lady Sutherland he may not be confirmed .
16 Before the French Revolution Burke had supported the popular cause against undue monarchical power ; in fact , he had even been rumoured to have been the author of Junius 's letters .
17 Only Jean de Grilly ( seneschal 1266–8 ) and Thomas de Ippegrave , clerk of Edward 's household ( 1268–9 ) , seem to have been the results of Edward 's own personal choice .
18 Dr George Kingsley seems to have been the key to Mary 's character — he was an inveterate traveller and his rare moments at home displayed tyrannical dominance and vanity , traits inherited by his daughter who both admired and resented him .
19 Catholicism is unlikely to have been the key to Clovis 's success .
20 The occasion of Wulfhere 's intervention in Surrey is likely to have been the death of King Ecgberht , which appears to have been followed by an interregnum or at least a contested succession .
21 He went into the London Clinic for three weeks and after X-rays , blood tests and cardiographic treatment it was discovered that the disorder had no organic origin — its source was essentially a nervous one and seemed likely to have been the result of over-exertion and worry .
22 This has generally been assumed to have been the result of competition from the adaptively superior North American mammals , but Marshall ( 1981 ) has recently argued that at least some of the extinction was caused by changes in the physical environment .
23 This in fact repeats more generally what was stated with regard to environmental competence by Article 130R(4) of the EEC Treaty , inserted by the Single European Act , under which ‘ the Community shall take action relating to the environment to the extent to which the objectives … can be attained better at Community level than at the level of the individual Member States ’ , a provision which does not yet appear to have been the object of scrutiny by the European Court of Justice .
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