Example sentences of "to have [been] [adj] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the early 790s Charlemagne is thought to have been anxious to secure Anglo-Saxon support against iconoclasm at the council of Frankfurt in 794 .
2 In 1513 there was opposition to a tax imposition in Yorkshire — indeed on this occasion a remission of assessment was granted on grounds of poverty , so the government seems to have been prepared to meet genuine grievances .
3 It was not beyond the wit of any surgeon worthy of his calling or apothecary worthy of his phial to have been able to perform superficial embalming , and it is highly unlikely that assistance was asked for at the London end .
4 Mr Prescott said yesterday : ‘ For the authority not to have been able to answer these sorts of questions , without going to Eurotunnel at that late stage when rolling stock had already been ordered , is totally unacceptable . ’
5 I have been extremely fortunate to have worked in three scientific spheres : botanical , paleontological and malacological , over 19 years and even luckier to have been able to do scientific illustrating for publication , on subjects as diverse as grass flowers and tiny rodent jawbones !
6 ‘ But surely we ought to have been able to find some sort of compromise … ’
7 The timing of this rejection was unfortunate for Franco , for nothing would have suited him better than to have been able to announce Spanish membership of the international winners ' club on the morning of the ninth anniversary of the 18 July rising .
8 His statement and robust delivery from the dispatch box in front of an initially sceptical House of Commons appear to have been sufficient to rally Conservative backbenchers .
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