Example sentences of "to have [be] [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On May 14 Wolfgang Berghofer , the former reformist mayor of Dresden [ see pp. 37827 ; 37170 ] , was reported to have been charged with electoral fraud in the May 1989 municipal elections .
2 His ideas on sovereignty and social organization seem to have been influenced by sociological positivism and by Duguit in particular .
3 Investment since 1979 also seems to have been influenced by historic designation as census tracts containing such areas saw more rehabilitation activity .
4 The murders by the drug cartels of two federal judges , Héctor Jiménez Rodriguez and Mariela Espinoza Arango , in Medellín on Oct. 17 and Nov. 1 , 1989 , respectively , and that of court summoner Guillermo Mena Lozano on Nov. 1 in Cali provoked a 13-day strike beginning on Nov. 2 of judges and court workers which paralysed the judicial system nationwide ( 350 judicial employees and 50 judges were estimated to have been killed in drug-related violence since 1980 ) .
5 Amid allegations in early June that rebels loyal to the National Patriotic Front of Liberia ( NPFL ) led by Charles Taylor were obstructing the deployment of peacekeeping troops of the Economic Community of West Africa States ( ECOWAS ) Monitoring Group ( ECOMOG ) , six Senegalese ECOMOG soldiers were reported to have been killed in NPFL-held territory .
6 Patients who joined the study between 1981 and 1985 tended to have been treated with ursodeoxycholic acid as it had become widely available at that time and was considered to be the oral bile acid treatment of choice for gall stone dissolution .
7 Similar pores have been observed also in the Z1 Carbonate of the Auk ( Brennand and van Veen 1975 ) and Claymore fields and in outcrops of Zechstein carbonates in the U.K. , where leaching is thought to have been caused by meteoric water during uplift and exposure ( Clark 1980a ) .
8 Merchant Navy Minister Carlo Vizzini said on April 11 that an official inquiry would start immediately and that the accident appeared to have been caused by human error .
9 Despite Mahdi 's calls for unity and negotiation , his appointment as President was reported to have been rejected by other rebel groups , notably the SNM , as well as by factions within the USC .
10 Yet when so much of the writing seems to have been done on automatic pilot , with dozens of sequential passages of unashamed banality — even at the opening of the overture — this is a score that demands some injection whether of fire or persuasiveness in the performers , to make one forget the musical flaws .
11 Yet when so much of the writing seems to have been done on automatic pilot , with dozens of sequential passages of unashamed banality — even at the opening of the overture — this is a score that demands some injection whether of fire or persuasiveness in the performers , to make one forget the musi cal flaws .
12 In the UK little work of any description seems to have been done on human behaviour in the aftermath of releases of hazardous substances , nor is much available on public attitudes to emergency planning .
13 Crocker expresses ‘ confusion ’ at the Thai conclusion that their positive samples could have been natural since a wide swath of the district was reported to have been sprayed with yellow rain .
14 The military court which imposed the sentences , the most severe yet to have been imposed upon anti-Aquino coup participants , acquitted a further 20 men ; cases against a further 16 remained pending .
15 Civilization , like the city of Venice , seems to have been built on unprepossessing ground .
16 Walls seem to have been painted in flat colour washes even earlier .
17 The semi-finals were marred by a disputed majority points decision when Londoner Chris Henry , who looked a convincing winner , was adjudged to have been beaten by Welsh champion Richard Fenton .
18 Certainly he came under such guidance from within his family which clashed with his own predilections , for his varsity life seems to have been plagued by vocational uncertainty and more than a touch of its weakening indifference .
19 Our room appeared not to have been inhabited in living memory .
20 The bulk of those who remain interested in UFOs seem less likely to have been motivated by personal experience and are more willing to undergo the reappraisal needed to rationalise their approach .
21 Scotty Moore , DJ Fontana and Elvis 's original singers , The Jordanaires , teamed up for a unique tribute visit to the UK , originally to have been fronted by fellow Sun stablemate , Carl Perkins .
22 It seems to have been based on real understanding , but little real intimacy .
23 Before rising population and inflating prices for necessaries began to increase the burden on rate-payers from the last third of the century , the relief of the village and small-town poor seems to have been based on humane assessment of need and sufficient relief .
24 This hematite is most likely to have been formed during synkinematic circulation of moderate temperature ( 600°C ) magmatic fluids .
25 The Far Eastern Economic Review of Dec. 3 reported that Gen. Wang Ruilin , Deng 's chief military secretary and head of the CMC 's discipline inspection commission , was believed to have been appointed as senior deputy director of the GDP .
26 The Rutland jurors again asserted that King John , who seems to have been cast by popular tradition as the villain of the piece , had afforested the greater part of the forest in that country , whereas it seems in fact to have been a creation of Henry I. In Exmoor , the Buckinghamshire part of Bernwood , Cumberland , Worcestershire and Wiltshire the perambulations of 1300 demanded more extensive disafforestments than ever before : more than half the forest area that remained in England was declared to be outside the ancient bounds .
27 I found that my grasp on the image itself was now hazy , the very mechanisms of my mind seemed to have been injected with lobal anaesthetic , blown up into a fuzzy ineptitude .
28 Experimental tests of the Hashin-Shtrikman and Hill-Walpole bounds , which lie , of course , within the Voigt and Reuss bounds do not appear to have been made for single polymer systems but , as discussed later in this chapter , they have been applied to a styrene-butadiene-styrene system and to a composite of glass beads and epoxy resin ( Arridge & Crowson 1979 ) .
29 The initial interest of political researchers into the question of what to do with the regions came about , it must be said , not out of concern for neglected political interests in the periphery ( what Tarrow refers to as ‘ regionalism as peripheral defence ’ ) but because of a trend thought to have been observed in modern politics which seemed to go to the heart of the functioning of modern political systems .
30 Her father always swore while he drank the stuff , claiming to have been raised on real coffee before the CAC stopped exporting from Nicaragua , but she never understood his complaints .
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