Example sentences of "having been [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps the most entertaining tale came late afternoon , with anonymous telephone calls stating that a nosey employee of Marks & Spencer ( down 1 at 329p ) having been called in to deputy chairman Clinton Silver 's office , saw a piece of paper suggesting the retailer was set to bid the debt-laden supermarket group , Asda ( off ½ at 31p ) .
2 Certain sections , when they fall into deep shadow , give the effect of having been gouged out in order to show the interior as well as the exterior structure of the head .
3 The men , all of whom had been captured after having been shot down over enemy territory , gave their names , sent greetings to their families and made statements critical of the war .
4 The actual payment or receipt of the option premium is effected when the position is closed , at the rate prevailing at that time , with the difference between that and the option price at the outset having been made up by payments of variation margin .
5 In 822/1459 , Molla Fenari performed the pilgrimage ; and , on his return , having been sought out by Sultan al-Mu'ayyad Sayf al-Din Shaykh ( 815–24/1412–21 ) , he entered Egypt .
6 De Gaulle himself was far from fully informed about the detail of these plots , but he was aware of their existence , having been sounded out by people involved in them .
7 There were reports of opposition supporters having been fired on in Tbilisi the following day .
8 The intercommunal talks had reopened on Feb. 26 after having been broken off in July 1989 following an incident on the " green line " between the Greek and Turkish sectors of the island , when more than 100 Greek Cypriots were arrested by Turkish Cypriot police [ see p. 36822 ] .
9 ‘ At Mike Mahoney 's down in Marsh Street they were laying odds on thee having been cut up for cats-meat . ’
10 I played dumb , having been cut off in mid-flow .
11 The A.87 passes alongside , having been cut out of rocks to follow the shoreline .
12 We arrive to witness a near riot — the dull hungry eyes of the children having been lit up by fear that the food is about to run out .
13 By the end of March about 40 tons of ore lay on the bank , having been carted down from Paddy End , and was ready for dressing .
14 The connection between the visible and the tangible is conceived by Berkeley as having been set up by God .
15 Safeguards for the Spanish steel industry were incorporated in an additional protocol , the talks having been held up over Spain 's concern that cheap steel exports from the three countries would disrupt its domestic industry .
16 And having been brought up outside Scotland , I think I can relate to it .
17 Having been brought up as patriots , they were benumbed at the thought that there was to be a conflict between their country and all the beliefs that they held dear .
18 Roger was ordered to appoint a suffragan bishop ‘ knowing the language ’ , a hint perhaps that Roger himself ( having been brought up in France ? ) did not .
19 Those who observed the Scots without the disadvantages of succumbing to rheumatism or feeling the humiliation of having failed to conquer them — or having been brought up in luxury in France — could see beyond the poverty to these characteristics .
20 Some owls are unable to return to the wild , having been brought up by breeders .
21 The contacts between the Lemass and O'Neill governments were seen as having been brought about by pressure from Britain , and as a result ‘ O'Neill has got his orders to play down discrimination ’ .
22 One of the first brass mills in the region was set up by Abraham Darby ( q.v. ) in 1702 , but by 1930 the industry was extinct in the area , having been taken over by Birmingham .
23 2.7 If at any time any Works are carried out otherwise than in accordance with the Building Documents and this fact might [ reasonably ] have been expected to be apparent on visual inspection to the Surveyors on the first occasion following the carrying out of the relevant Works on which they actually inspected the same pursuant to clause 2.5 ( " Relevant Inspection " ) then unless within [ 5 ] working days after the date of the Relevant Inspection ( time being of the essence ) the Surveyors have served on the Architect a Defects Notice in respect of such non-compliance the relevant Works shall be treated for all purposes of this agreement as having been carried out in accordance with the Building Documents This provision should be deleted .
24 It had surrounded her at her progressive private school , it surrounded her still at her fashionable newish university , but she herself lacked economic grasp and was uncomfortably aware of having lost , of late , a few arguments with outsiders , of having been thrown back on arguments about personalities .
25 He arrived in Newcastle , having been thrown out of South Africa for spending most of his national service in a psychiatric hospital .
26 Nor , for that matter , are they all able to make first-hand experiments with teaching style , some of them having been promoted out of contact with the pupils .
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