Example sentences of "having been [verb] [prep] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Having been reassured on this point , he had grudgingly accepted Ellen 's explanation that she had been given leave to visit him to see how he was coping alone , and had promptly put his daughter and her companion to work .
2 " It having been Stated to this Meeting that a regular Ferry from Skiba to Gartbreck would contribute much to the Convenience of Travellers " they agree " to Engage a proper person , who will engage to maintain a proper Ferry Boat ready at all reasonable times to Ferry passengers … "
3 The European Convention on Human Rights has not been made part of our law by statute , so it does not in itself create rights enforceable in our courts ; but having been ratified by this country it is binding on us as a matter of international law .
4 Goodwill had been encouraged by reciprocal representation on validation visits , but there was still strong opposition when Kerr accepted an invitation to meet the NCDAD at its premises at Park Crescent — having been warned by some polytechnic directors that he was going into the lion 's den and would be devoured .
5 To prove contrary evidence it was necessary to have either positive proof that the document was returned to the sender or , if sent by recorded delivery , that there was no acknowledgement of receipt , or if there was evidence of the document having been received by some person , there was proof that the person was not the intended recipient and that he had not brought the document to the notice of the person required to be served .
6 The UDA had been blamed for about one-third of the killings of civilians in Northern Ireland over the previous 23 years ( more than 2,000 civilians having been killed during this period ) .
7 Thank you , does touch on that issue and refers to the point that I made earlier that that the proposals having been referred to that policy and how it meets with er more work .
8 1808 " It having been Represented to this Meeting that the Fund for raising the Militia men by a Publick Box was found Inadequate to raise the men , of course the Funds were found deficient by one Hundered and eight pounds 14/- … this Meeting consider themselves bound to advance upon this Deficiency the one half …
9 By the early 80's 80 per cent of children were in comprehensive schools — the system not having been adopted by all education authorities .
10 Any EC national may now reside in any member state to seek or take up employment , accompanied by his family ( Directive 68/360/EC ) , establish firms or provide services ( 73/148 ) and remain in that territory after having been employed in that State ( 70/1251 , 72/194 ) .
11 Bozize , leader of the underground Popular Rally for the Reconstruction of Central Africa ( Rassemblement Populaire pour la Réconstruction de Centrafrique — RPRC ) movement , was flown back to Bangui with the other 11 from Benin on Aug. 31 , having been detained in that country at the end of July .
12 Having been nurtured in this way and observed adult males receiving the same treatment , boys may expect similar preferential treatment and where it is not offered automatically , demand it as a right .
13 Having been issued in another era , all of these stocks have low coupon rates ( from 2 ½%; to 4% ) and hence their market value in a time of high nominal interest rates tends to be low .
14 Returning through Bologna he passed various tests for membership of the Accademia Filarmonica and was awarded a diploma , the conditions of entry , stipulating that members must be over the age of 20 , having been waived on this occasion .
15 The first sign that you are making real progress in learning to fly is that such mishaps become rarer and , eventually , uncommon despite the model not having been changed in any way .
16 9.2 The Premises shall be demised subject to the matters set out or referred to in clause … of the draft lease annexed and the Tenant or the Tenant 's solicitors having been supplied with such information as the Landlord has concerning the same the Tenant has entered into this agreement with notice of and shall raise no objection requisition or inquiry in respect of such matters
17 In all cases , a small number of items were supplied to readers after having been removed from another reader 's reserve shelf .
18 They may , however , not be exactly what the author would have preferred , as a colour plate which is readily available ( perhaps having been used in another publication ) is much cheaper to use than a new plate which has to be commissioned .
19 He did not take long in drinking his tea but by the time he had finished it , he saw that she was no longer at the counter , her place having been taken by another girl .
20 In ‘ The disappearance ’ , Imamu has to prove that he had nothing to do with Perk 's disappearance by finding her dead body in someone else 's house having been murdered by that person and Boo has to risk his own life in order to save that of Scout 's before his most ignorant neighbours realise he 's not a squirrel eating monster .
21 The case of each party is usually presented by a director , merchant banker or solicitor with their written cases having been submitted to each other beforehand .
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