Example sentences of "large number of [noun] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 According to LTTE reports , the air assaults killed large numbers of civilians and caused extensive damage to the town 's infrastructure .
2 The autonomous region of Catalonia has decided to build a synchrotron facility near Barcelona , following rejection last December by CERN , the international particle physics laboratory in Geneva , of a request by Spain for support of a facility to produce large numbers of tau and charm particles .
3 It is restricted to the use of children under 14 and in my opinion would not be suitable for large numbers of bikes or support vehicles .
4 It is not , though , beyond the bounds of possibility they were used to control the large numbers of rats that inhabited the countryside in the Middle Ages and thereafter .
5 Great swarms of starlings and thrushes raid the vineyards by day , pecking at large numbers of grapes but eating few and causing more damage indirectly by rot than by anything else .
6 Windfalls : In the Amazon area there are large numbers of fish that feed off seeds falling from trees ; their teeth and jawbones would allow they to crack even brazil nuts ( something to think about while you struggle with your nut-crackers this Christmas ) .
7 Many of these pioneer voluntary bodies still exist , and they have been joined by large numbers of organizations that have arisen in recent years to tackle the needs of particular groups among the disabled , so that voluntary effort continues to play a major part in meeting the needs of the handicapped .
8 The slick continued to wreak havoc among the Gulf 's bird life , with large numbers of cormorants and grebes dying , often as a result of ingesting oil while attempting to preen themselves clean .
9 It can take large numbers of rabbits that live above the ground in dense woodland and it can do that same job in wooded areas where ferreting is not allowed because of other interests .
10 Seed-predators that hoard seeds may be effective as dispersal agents : in temperate regions , nutcrackers and jays ( Corvidae ) store large numbers of seeds and exploit them later , and death or ‘ forgetfulness ’ of the bird will result in successful dispersal .
11 In other words , although they suppress the aberrant antibody , they suppress other antibody production too and also the production of blood cells , yet they seem to have a greater effect on the abnormal antibody than they do on normal ones and in quite large numbers of patients that have been treated in this way the side effects are really relatively slight .
12 One possibility would be for the analyst to invent a large number of sentences and try saying them with different intonation patterns ( i.e. different combinations of head and tone ) , noting what attitude was supposed to correspond to the intonation in each case ; of course , the results are then very subjective , and based on an artificial performance that has little resemblance to conversational speech .
13 It was a highly successful chevauchée : Lancaster relieved Pont Audemer , captured Verneuil , took a large number of prisoners and carried off much booty .
14 It was the combination of large circulation share and a large number of titles that gave concentration its distinctive character in 1990 .
15 Careers Advisers are in constant contact with a very large number of employers and help students to acquire a realistic awareness of opportunities for employment , professional training or further study which will become available to them .
16 It investigated a large number of incidents and drew conclusions about fault and responsibility .
17 Then a few weeks after her husband died Mary took a large number of pills and tried to kill herself .
18 I personally think the gallery 's grossly under used you have a large number of exhibitions that seem to extend over six to eight weeks .
19 CPRW was among a large number of bodies that opposed allowing the Hamilton Oil Company to drill an exploratory well in a very sensitive area of seabed close to Bardsey Island .
20 Following a serious and unprovoked attack on a number of youths in Holloway , the Police Complaints Authority castigated the ‘ shameful ’ silence of a large number of constables and criticized the ‘ moral failure ’ of sections of the service ( Police Complaints Authority , 1988 : 12 ) .
21 I have been to a large number of conferences and met many general practitioners , including many from my hon. Friend 's district .
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