Example sentences of "large [noun sg] of [noun] [coord] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 A large variety of plants and trees feature here , including many native trees of Madeira — til , dragon tree and Madeira laurels .
2 As a local market centre there was a large variety of trades and crafts .
3 Down the hill and past the Rotunda do Infante ( roundabout with fountains ) and the statue of Dom Henrique ( Prince Henry the Navigator ) , we pass the Centro Comercial do Infante , which has a large variety of shops and restaurants .
4 Then in the 1960s Picasso gave an important collection to the city and Miró a large donation of paintings and sculptures .
5 Members of this genus live in the large intestine of horses and donkeys and , with Triodontophorus , are commonly known as the large strongyles .
6 Agriostomum vryburgi is a common hookworm of the large intestine of cattle and buffaloes in Asia and South America .
7 By chance , the Museum was also acting as host to a large delegation of Mayors and Councillors from the surrounding area and it is hoped that the significance of the presentation rubbed-off on them .
8 In November 1990 the Ministry of Defence announced that not all of the 500,000-strong personnel of the NVA could be absorbed by the Bundeswehr , and that little of the large stock of weapons and munitions could be of use to the Bundeswehr .
9 As Box and Hale ( 1982,1985,1986 ) have argued , this response is not merely a mechanical response due to the increased workload but is due to a sufficiently large proportion of judges and magistrates responding to deteriorating economic conditions by resorting more frequently to the use of imprisonment .
10 Moreover , a large proportion of traders and persons who followed service professions also owned land and sometimes cultivated it themselves .
11 Teaching English , being a metaphor for a policy of enforced cultural assimilation , dovetailed with the view expressed by a large proportion of heads and teachers that ‘ immigrant ’ cultures — the desire to hold on to which was seen as evidence of a ‘ ghetto mentality ’ — were an educational hindrance requiring vigilant exclusion from the culture of the school ( Brittan , 1976 ) .
12 There is now a large range of fixtures and fittings from which to choose .
13 Whether your requirement is for grams , kilos , tons or thousands of tons , they have a large range of facilities and technologies to meet your needs .
14 Black Knight brushes come in a large range of sizes and lengths , with full instructions on filter design , not just use .
15 The next morning brought more early arrivals ; namely , the two ladies from Germany — who had travelled together despite what one would have imagined to have been the great contrast in their backgrounds — bringing with them a large team of ladies-in-waiting and footmen , as well as a great many trunks .
16 Laura put the bottles and glasses and a large plateful of bits and pieces through the galley hatch .
17 An absurdly large raft of congressmen and senators was set to question the witnesses , sitting on a specially constructed double dais draped with burgundy cloth ; none wished to drop out of the committees and forfeit a screen appearance .
18 On the other hand their subordinates — that large body of laymen and women who , as assistants or typists , seemed necessary to support what Ian had called the one per cent addressed these senior clergy by their titles to their faces and even amongst themselves referred to their superiors in this way .
19 For instance , the monastic school was still in existence , with quite a large body of masters and children in the choir.6 Also , the members of the community preserved a considerable sense of grandeur , however misplaced , and an implacable devotion to their local saints .
20 The Rembrandt Exhibition will be held at the Rijksmuseum , the home of the Night Watch , and will consist of 40 superb paintings by the master and a large selection of drawings and prints .
21 The left side contained neatly arranged papers , the right contained stacks and rows of pipes , tobacco tins , cigarettes and cigars and a large selection of tablets and capsules .
22 A large assembly of bishops and priests declared that Lothar lacked " the knowledge of how to govern the state " , and had fled " by a just Judgement of God , first from the battle-field and then from his own realm " .
23 Most of the Border contingent were in fact awaiting them , with a large herd of cattle and horses , at Birdoswald , although there was no sign of the Armstrongs .
24 When Charles retired to the monastery of San Yuste in 1555 , with a large collection of clocks and watches , he took Torriano with him .
25 Chris likes music , and has a large collection of albums and cassettes .
26 Agriculture is also a large consumer of goods and services .
27 ‘ The hotel features some of the capital 's largest bedrooms , the eight storey atrium is a unique focal point and we have a fully equipped health club , a swimming pool and large choice of restaurants and bars . ’
28 In the words of Roger of Howden , " the young King , of his own accord and under no compulsion , laying his hands on the Holy Gospels in the presence of a large crowd of clerks and laymen , swore that from that day onward and for the rest of his life he would be loyal to King Henry , his father and his lord , and would serve him faithfully .
29 As he arrived , Mr Targowski was cheered by a large crowd of supporters and well-wishers , gathered to express their feelings about the situation that had drawn a cloud over their quiet island life .
30 In testing , a large number of sections or items which together make up the complete test .
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