Example sentences of "though it [is] [adv] [adj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As arms tire you may like to fiddle a tape around the obvious thread , though it 's probably better to continue .
2 There 's one more thing , though it 's scarcely necessary to mention it .
3 He expects me to carry on up at the manor as though it 's just another working day. ?
4 Local transport : Local buses link the various resorts on the lake ; though it 's much nicer to travel by ferry or hydrofoil .
5 The shaky-hand aiming is a fair simulation of real throwing , though it 's much easier to get high scores here ( I even hit the odd 180 ! ) .
6 We have little idea of how well other old people cope without the help of the formal sector , though it is not unreasonable to suppose that many struggle in a considerable degree of discomfort and risk .
7 Several rhynchosaurs have been found in association with fragments of plants ( though it is not possible to say from a juxtaposition of fossils whether those fragments were ever inside the animal ) and the diet probably consisted of leaves , stems , fruit and seeds of seed-ferns , conifers , ginkgos , equisitales ( horsetails ) and ferns ( Figure 2 ) .
8 He insists that in the last analysis there is a fundamental difference between believing in ahi sā , even though it is not possible to behave non-violently in all life 's circumstances , and believing in hi sā .
9 Though it is not possible to determine the relative roles of revegetation and acidic precipitation from this work along , in conjunction with other studies Renberg et al .
10 Bacon , as an advocate of really long-term investment , said the concentration on tobacco was ‘ to the untimely prejudice of the main business ’ , though it is not easy to see what he thought the main business of a plantation ought to be — his essay was full of sensible advice , much of it showing signs of the influence of the Virginia experience , but he never explained why people should want to support this sort of enterprise , unless it was to be part of a programme for sending people abroad to reduce overpopulation .
11 If so , and if we can measure it ( though it is not easy to do so ) , that again tells us something about their welfare .
12 Further , if a shopper with some perverted sense of humour , intending only to create confusion and nothing more both for the supermarket and for other shoppers , switches labels , I do not think that that act of label switching alone is without more an appropriation , though it is not difficult to envisage some cases of dishonest label switching which could be .
13 Corcoran , however , suffered a cricked neck during tackling practice which ended his day on the playing field though it is not likely to limit him today .
14 The chief metals that are being recovered using bioleaching are copper and uranium , though it is also possible to obtain cobalt , nickel , zinc , lead and gold .
15 And , to descend to crude practicalities , you are going to get very much less money for what you have done , though it is only fair to add that if you are lucky and clever enough to create a story that catches editors ' fancies then it can be anthologised time and again and in the end bring in perhaps as much as a full-length book that has failed to get wide paperback sales .
16 This charge against Latimer was almost certainly baseless , though it is more difficult to assess whether he had made undue profits for himself out of the campaign in Brittany .
17 We will try to illustrate these possibilities with just a few examples , though it is naturally impossible to cover the subject adequately in a short space .
18 Though it is now unfashionable to dwell on such matters , there is in sport an insistence upon physical supremacy and the partisanship of an elite , strength through enjoyment and the worship of the hero , the bond of uniform and nationalism , lying uneasily parallel to the appeal of those same traits in popular Fascism .
19 Here there is not such a clear break-point in the trend , though it is perhaps important to note that until the mid-1960s there were fairly regular fluctuations up and down , but since then no downward fluctuation has ever dipped significantly below the peak of preceding cycles .
20 The GASB subsequently adopted an approach that is closer to the integral approach than the differential approach , though it is perhaps fair to say that the resulting list of user needs is closer to maintaining the status quo in governmental accounting while leaving the door open to the adoption of business accounting ideas in some areas .
21 Maybe so , though it is still nice to see that principles still count for something , particularly when it comes to refusing to buy something you already own or turning that hand-out of shares over to a deserving charity at the expense of an easy-come , easy-go profit .
22 This is satisfactory enough , though it is often necessary to perch the tripod on top of a platform or a solid table , as otherwise you will have to be something of a contortionist when looking at an object high in the sky ( incidentally , the same is true of a small refracting telescope ) .
23 This alternative has been open to them since 1986 but unfortunately many landowners chose to seek the approval of Licences instead even though it is virtually impossible to arrange for land to be occupied without giving occupation rights . ’
24 So though it is perfectly practicable to take a trip to Heiden by car ( a direct road leads from Rorschach ) you would do much better to leave the car behind , go along to the station of the Rorschach-Heiden mountain railway near the harbour , take a cogwheel train , sit back in one of the red coaches and enjoy the gradually changing view .
25 Another way in which Highlander operates is illustrated by the example of the Appalachian Land Ownership Study , the bulk of which was undertaken from 1978 to 1980 , though it is very important to stress that events which promoted the survey , and events leading from the survey , are still matters of community activity .
26 Even though it is very difficult to observe spontaneous proton decay , it may be that our very existence is a consequence of the reverse process , the production of protons , or more simply , of quarks , from an initial situation in which there were no more quarks than antiquarks , which is the most natural way to imagine the universe starting out .
27 So , though it is too late to learn the violin or the piano , now we have the very complex musical skills of mixing , using synthesizers ; and this she is learning as part of her musical education in Boston .
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