Example sentences of "made she [verb] [prep] [subord] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 To Sabine , used to Aunt Ruth 's dab of power and smudge of lipstick , the Baronne 's maquillage made her appear as if she was wearing an exquisite but remote mask , spoiled only by the small piece of sticking plaster on her forehead .
2 It made her feel as if he still had some sort of claim over her , and she really hated and resented that .
3 It made her feel as if she should be sharpening her sword in preparation .
4 He had assumed , discriminated , made her feel as if she had to apologise for the way she lived her life , when he knew nothing , nothing of her circumstances or her reasons .
5 Marc made her feel as if she 'd just had a battle with a steamroller — but she was mildly pleased with herself .
6 A glance at her companion made her feel as if she 'd been slapped .
7 His deduction made her heart stop , and his choices made her feel as if she was being torn apart .
8 Her scrunched up face made her look as if she was wearing a perpetual mirthless grin .
9 It was only when Maisie emerged from the back kitchen , wearing her third headscarf of the morning ( this one was in Liberty print and made her look as if she was about to go out to watch titled men shooting grouse ) , that he felt emboldened to get close enough to hear what they were saying .
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