Example sentences of "state of the [noun sg] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A chess Grand Master is aware not only of the current state of the board but of past positions and of the probability of any future move .
2 I should have to examine the whole state of the law as to , and the history of the subject of , consideration , which , I need hardly say , I do not propose to do .
3 Estimating the loss in value of a machine in a year is difficult in itself , and may be guided less by the physical state of the asset than by the possibility of tax concessions .
4 The accounts department is responsible for ensuring that top management is aware of the financial state of the company and for advising it on appropriate actions to ensure that it remains sound .
5 The accounts department is responsible for ensuring that top management is aware of the financial state of the company and for advising it on appropriate actions to ensure that it remains sound .
6 But what many people do n't realise is that long-term conservation , particularly in the Third World , is going to depend , whether we like it or not , more on the economic state of the country than on appealing to the better nature of its politicians .
7 Once again , the community , like that of the termites , is bound together by a system of chemical messages , the pheromones , perpetually circulating within the hive , which inform all the inhabitants of the state of the population and of the absence or presence of the queen .
8 " This Meeting having taken into Consideration the State of the Island as to Grain & provisions , until the next Crop comes on , are of opinion that with economy , there may be neither in the Island , what is sufficient for the Support of the Inhabitants , but if any Grain or putatoes are exported from the Island , that it may endanger a scarcity … " and they are " to use their utmost exertions for preventing any of the Grain of the Island being destroy 'd by Illegal Distillers … "
9 We can rely neither on what it says about the state of the economy nor on the little that it reveals about the state of the public finances .
10 While this would be possible , it would be hard to protect such rights in any great detail through , for example , some form of constitutional entrenchment since the standard of these rights depends very much on the state of the economy and on demographic factors such as the numbers of elderly in the population ( currently increasing greatly ) and the number of children and the size of the working population .
11 Even in the present depressed state of the economy and of the stock market , sale at 30 September 1992 would have incurred tax of 21% of the proceeds .
12 The City put the shares up 4p to 565p , but that seems to have been largely on the basis of the optimistic tone of the statement and the general state of the market than from any in-depth analysis of the figures .
13 He has built up a reputation for naïvely self-important pronouncements on the state of the world and for a determined shunning of personal publicity , but circumstances force him to stand by his words when the Evallonian Royalists seek his support .
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