Example sentences of "came out [prep] the [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 After a moment she came out on the landing and she was dressing .
2 You 've no idea the miners and , and people that came out onto the road and had nowhere to go or stay and had nothing .
3 After a long walk we came out between the dunes and were staring at the sea .
4 A coal-black manservant came out to the carriage and showed them into the house .
5 Until Mr. Mendez came out of the hotel and Russell nudged his roan up to in front of the office .
6 Just then a man , attracted by all the noise and commotion , came out of the jungle and began to climb up the mountainside towards Cassowary .
7 He came out of the Harvester but it would have been nice if he 'd waited for there to be a gap in the traffic .
8 They must have walked for at least three miles and eventually came out of the wood and on to a pathway which led to a crossroads .
9 Another player came out of the wood and began to jog across the Paddock .
10 At the very least I had expected him to be physically frail and mentally chastened ; a boy worn out by his long addiction and frightened of the criminal charges that hung over him , but instead he came out of the limo and down the dock with the frisky energy of a puppy .
11 The woman came out of the inn and saw him , hesitated , then walked up .
12 He swam away and Adam swam away and very soon after that they came out of the lake and went back to Mary on the terrace .
13 They came out of the darkness and worshipped it , calling the earth their Mother-God .
14 The next morning , the 9.15 came out of the tunnel and the old gentleman put down his newspaper , ready to wave at the three children .
15 The air-conditioning roared softly and they got their first drinks as they came out of the tunnel and on to the New Jersey marshes where gulls circled the refuse dumps among a forest of concrete stilts carrying the highways south .
16 Paul Grace and Councillor James Doherty came out of the court and appealed for restraint , and after negotiations with the police about a dozen relatives of defendants were allowed in .
17 ‘ People came out of the theatre and were shaking their fists at us , ’ said Ken .
18 But then , Bella 's home-help came out of the bungalow and it was no use any more trying to pretend that it was n't happening … .
19 As they came out of the toilet and into the bar Maura 's heart stood still in her chest .
20 I came out of the army and returned to the Bideford Gazette where I had a year of my newspaper apprenticeship still to go .
21 He came out of the hole and tore across the hill faster than any creature in the world .
22 Philip came out of the shed and slipped out the back where the fence was broken .
23 White flakes came out of the sky and Dad smiled , pointed and said , ‘ That 's snow ! ’
24 Guy 's parents asked if he would live , and were told that he would , but that the doctors would not know how much brain damage he might have suffered until he came out of the coma and regained consciousness .
25 The path widened and flattened as it came out of the Grove and she caught Nick 's hand to make him run faster .
26 He came out of the phone-box and I pushed my bicycle beside him through the crowds .
27 People came out of the Underground and , leaning at odd angles to meet the wind , hurried home from work by the inner streets .
28 He came out of the bedclothes and said , ‘ While I 'm laid up like this , why do n't you do a few concerts on your own ? ’
29 As he powered the jet down , a yellow Lada came out of the shadows and towards him .
30 He had reached the corner of his street and was searching in his pocket for his key , when a dark figure came out of the shadows and crossed the road towards him .
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