Example sentences of "went [prep] [art] [noun sg] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Alan left him howling in the cot again while he went for a bowl of water .
2 I went for a couple of terms in 1986 and gained a different perspective on drawing which helped me look more deeply at my subject and see light and shade differently .
3 I went for a couple of terms in 1986 and gained a different perspective on drawing which helped me look more deeply at my subject and see light and shade differently .
4 Instead of the stock stories about Bogarde 's early films , we went for a bit of drama as he lives in France and Arthur Marshall hated the French .
5 Anxious about his prospects of liberation , the slave Moschos went for a night of incubation to the temple and had a dream in which the divine pair Amphiaraus and Hygieia ordered him to write down what he had seen and to set it up in stone by the altar .
6 I got a chicken from there other day , I went for a joint of pork I thought oh I 'll have a couple of them joints , fetch a couple back and er I says it 's not Christmas now you know .
7 We deliberately went for a position of responsibility and moderation in this argument , where if I may say so , some other people have n't put the same constraints on themselves .
8 Well aware of the undertaking he added ‘ The day before I went for a load of beers to prepare for the ordeal . ’
9 I went for a game of golf , I had nine holes .
10 Not a wink all night did I get , so I went for a breath of air . ’
11 We went for the rate of inflation , and that is what the Sports Council got .
12 he spent erm , two years in the services I think dur during the war , two or three years and went through a bit of action and then , I think she said he was a policeman when he came out he , he joined the police force and he was cycling home one day and erm , I do n't know , he fell off the bicycle , hit his head and he died
13 It is not easy watching someone you love die , and Robert Burrows went through a phase of doubt and anxiety which is part of the process of letting go but can be particularly hard for Christians to accept .
14 The two rifts in the Benue Trough in Nigeria went through a phase of opening followed by later closing , and of the remaining rifts ten became inactive before the spreading stage and nine are currently active and may spread in the future .
15 ‘ I went through a lot of difficulties , both myself and my family .
16 It is storing up misery for children , and I also think these people went through a lot of misery to get what they wanted .
17 I remembered John Bunyan 's Pilgrim 's Progress and , after explaining the story briefly , said that we all went through a Slough of Despond at some time , but God led us out .
18 On the restoration of democracy and of union rights , the CCOO went through a process of institutionalization , establishing a federal and confederal structure similar to that of the UGT .
19 I went through a list of thanks and hoped I had n't left anyone out .
20 Tonight in the lounge ( my hands tied , of course ) we went through a book of paintings .
21 I went through a bunch of necks and felt them , and after feeling about twenty I said to the guy , ‘ This is the one .
22 Swedish industry went through a period of instability , due partly to the loss of important export/import markets in eastern Europe and partly to labour difficulties .
23 I went through a period of depression erm I 'd been attending the doctor I 'd been told that I was suffering from various illnesses , but nothing helped .
24 In the early part of 1991 , before all this occurred , I went through a period of time when my find rate dropped drastically and on many occasions I went out and came back home with nothing at all .
25 The received BBC wisdom was that young people went through a period of obsession with rock and pop , but that as ‘ sanity and maturity ’ prevailed , they would graduate ‘ like their elders ’ to light , popular music .
26 As I 've described it above , the process differs from modern multi-track technique , because the ‘ backing track ’ went through a number of generations , while modern multi-track tape recorders keep each layer separate ; so the technique was n't used as fully as it might have been , because the quality dropped each time .
27 We went through a clump of yew trees into a clearing where a small church stood , a simple primitive affair with steep tiled roof and a small entrance tower .
28 He must know , because we told him and everybody else at the time , that the directive on pregnant women went through the Council of Ministers on the European Community a few weeks ago , with only the Italians voting against .
29 Lyle was three up after 22 holes against Rafferty but then once again went through the crucible of humiliation .
30 The clampdown comes on the day a new law to stop joyriding went through the House of Lords .
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