Example sentences of "' [noun] are [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Researchers also wanted to discover how much viewers ' attitudes are affected by the context in which a sexy scene turns up on the home screen — and the timing .
2 Both the amplifier and the females ' ears are tuned to the roughly 3000 hertz frequency sounds created by the male .
3 Saunders ' goals are working like a Championship charm .
4 In each recogniser , all the RAM chips ' outputs are fed to the summing device .
5 Buyers ' bid are passed to the auctioneer via a bank of brokers who are seen on screen along with the animals on offer .
6 The reason for this is to ensure that all services central to a solicitors ' practice are regulated by the Law society .
7 Regular exhibitions of members ' work are organised by the society , the annual exhibition being held at the City Art Gallery .
8 A clause , such as is commonly found in standard terms , providing that the whole of the parties ' obligations are defined by the written agreement may also be caught by s3(2) ( b ) if , in fact , the contract is partly written and partly oral as a result of oral undertakings given alongside the written contract .
9 Generally , black kids ' aspirations are coloured by the achievements of other blacks with whom they share an affinity .
10 This structure will also show that our members ' contributions are spent in an acceptive and efficient manner .
11 ‘ Action cards ’ , outlining individual staff members ' responsibilities are kept in an easily accessible place in the central nursing administration office .
12 Sheffield Eagles ' fortunes are soaring in the top flight ; the 28-16 win at Wakefield was their third in four matches .
13 Trist has consistently developed a systems approach to organisations , in which task requirements and individuals ' needs are interrelated as an interdependent ‘ socio-technical ’ system .
14 We know little about the way in which workers ' motivations are affected by the creation of a powerful market test .
15 The fleas ' eggs are laid in the nest and once hatched the fleas feed off the young rabbits .
16 Who will pay compensation if one operators ' trains are delayed by a breakdown of a train by another operator ?
17 Some of chef/owner Melvin Rhodes ' recipes are included in the Les Routiers Cook Book and he will be cooking at least one of these for the lunch .
18 To avoid confusion between the different arrows the keys ' names are used in the Guide instead of their symbols , except in the case of the four arrowed direction keys , where both are given .
19 Research has also shown that girls ' names are chosen from a much wider range than boys .
20 The forms of industrial conflict whereby workers ' interests are mobilised on a broader front include strikes and other kinds of industrial action , and here the role of trade unions as workers ' official representatives comes into play .
21 Trainers ' courses are described in a later section .
22 All those wankers obsessed with the shape of Ms Zeta Jones ' num-nums are looking at the wrong asset .
23 Head teachers ' salaries are linked to the number of pupils in their school .
24 Very often florists ' flowers are received in the form of bouquets or presentation arrangements , and one is always very reluctant to press immediately some of the flowers that have so kindly been sent .
25 If some voters ' choices are determined by the lottery of surnames , others are channelled by specific guidance .
26 Classical dancers ' body-and-mind-sets are geared to a specific set of rules , one which stretches the body in long , clean lines away from an erect spine .
27 Whilst the sale itself can be effected only by acte notarie , it is worth remembering that many of the contracts drawn by sellers ' Agents are prepared without a sight of the title deeds .
28 All competitors ' bowls are judged against the International Bowling Board master bowl and must show at least as much bias as the master .
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