Example sentences of "' [noun] [be] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The council makes all the decisions which concern the society 's policy , but on major issues , the members ' opinions are sought through ballots and general meetings .
2 Although every moment of the lovers ' experience is drenched in imagery , there is still a fine feeling of reality about the characters which gives them bone and muscle .
3 The monarchists ' proposals were doomed to failure a priori because they did not take into account a number of crucial factors relating to the Caudillo .
4 Confident that your market research tells you that peoples ' houses are overrun with mice , and having used technology from the nuclear industry to develop a better mouse trap , you still have to tell people about it .
5 The producers ' plans are evaluated in relation to the demand outlook for the industry and the existing pattern of market shares .
6 Many lorries ' peaks were recorded on Dr. Walker 's graphs at about 80 .
7 If teachers are to be expected to put the policy into practice , head teachers must ensure that teachers ' views are taken into account , as well as those of the governors — with whose general statement of principles on discipline within the school the head is legally obliged to comply .
8 It is said that yaks ' milk is sometimes used and in Italy buffalos ' milk is made into cheese .
9 However , as a matter of principle it annoys Hon. Members to think that Welsh Members should adopt such an attitude , because millions of pounds of English taxpayers ' money are directed towards Wales .
10 The constitution of magistrates ' courts is governed by section 121 of the Magistrates ' Courts Act 1980 .
11 The final chapter of the vase makers ' story is shrouded in mystery .
12 Apart from that somewhat exceptional period , in which members of these magnates ' entourages were rewarded with Gascon pos-itions , the great majority of local offices in the administration were tena-ciously held by the Gascon nobility .
13 Pigs ' skin is used for skin grafts on severe burns , and to test X-rays .
14 Essentially all previous studies of the Prisoners ' Dilemma are confined to individuals or organized groups who can remember past encounters , who have high probabilities of future encounters ( with little discounting of future pay-offs ) , and who use these facts to underpin more-or-less elaborate strategies of cooperation or defection .
15 Thus it was that Jones ' notebooks are signed by Phillips with the statement
16 Designers ' Saturday was transplanted from New York eight years ago .
17 News of Venables ' defeat was greeted with fury by hundreds of Spurs fans outside court , amid pledges that they would picket matches to discourage other supporters , until he was reinstated .
18 The final meeting was broken up , however , and the OAS delegation forced to leave the country immediately , by soldiers who reportedly suspected that Cedras had agreed to Aristide 's conditional return ( the soldiers ' action being taken by US local officials as proof that rank-and-file soldiers , and not necessarily the army 's commanders , were preventing a political settlement — see below ) .
19 Depositors ' funds are placed with HM Treasury , authorised banks , local authorities and building societies in Great Britain ; Tyndall does not lend to other customers .
20 But Jesus ' sufferings were experienced on behalf of humankind , not because Jesus was unrealistic about himself .
21 Charles ' command was based upon support of his nobles , tributary rulers , and their own dependent households and levies ; this formidable fighting force was reconvened in the spring of 773 to invade Lombardy .
22 For this reason , Edwards ' indicators were designed to measure in various ways the extent to which speakers have contact with black friends and neighbours and participate in black social activities .
23 On the recommendation of the Committee , the 1991 Sir Banister Fletcher Award of the Authors ' Club was awarded to James Stevens Curl for The Art and Architecture of Freemasonry : an Introductory Study ( Batsford , 1991 ) .
24 Gollancz Services ' warehouse is closed for stocktaking until 4th January .
25 It is suggested by Pederson-Krag that the workers ' rivalry is stimulated in order to overcome their aversion to effort and resentment of the authority that makes their work life what it is .
26 However , Charles ' law is more usually expressed in the form Charles ' law was developed by Joseph Gay-Lussac who , in 1802 , stated that the volume of a gas changes by 1/273 of its volume at 0°C for every 1°C change in temperature .
27 Augustus ' portrait was disseminated on coins and in sculptures throughout the Empire .
28 The first two training colleges also had schools for deaf children attached to them , and teachers ' certificates were awarded to students who taught on the oral system to the exclusion of any other method .
29 Weber shared the classical elitists ' hopes for developing a systematic social science , but he did not agree that natural science methods could be simply transposed to explain social action or behaviour , since a plausible account of actors ' motives is required for completeness ( Runcimann , 1972 ) .
30 We looked back and up , and for a moment the Towers ' summits were flecked with gold , before the sun slid down behind the unseen horizon and all Chile was plunged into blackness .
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