Example sentences of "away and [verb] [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Then , with a rough exclamation that made her heart jump , fitzAlan jerked his hand away and strode over to the chest .
2 The tramp tossed the empty cup away and shuffled off in the other direction .
3 She shrugged and turned away and stared out of the tiny window .
4 Slorne turned away and stared out through the top of her cage as if to say , ‘ There , where the skies are , where the great clouds drift and the winds blow endlessly through time , seek there and you will find what Minch needs . ’
5 I then er , we then broke away and went up to the er , I suppose it 's the , I do n't know what part of the , but it 's the Dales , that 's where I moved to then and then to because my dad could n't , getting on in years , he could n't take the hills up and then from I got married and we moved into this address here and then that was the day after war was declared that I got married .
6 At the sound of gunfire the refugee ship turned away and made off round the southern counties and up towards Liverpool , where it was finally recognised as a friendly vessel .
7 He flung his head to one side and muttered something , his face was twisted up ; he pushed himself away and fell out through the entrance and on to his knees , and she sat down on the floor for her legs felt weak and the wounded one was throbbing painfully , and she crawled over to Sycorax and lay down beside her and sobbed hot , dry grief until she at last fell asleep .
8 She turned away and looked out of the window .
9 Jazzbeaux turned away and looked out of the window .
10 After a few moments she could stand it no longer , and with an effort she wrenched her gaze away and looked down at the carpet .
11 He covered his face with his hands , then took them away and looked down at the earth .
12 So just turning away and getting on with a job is the most effective response .
13 The stallion veered away and kicked out in an enormous arc .
14 Amphibians , crustaceans and fish that live in such conditions have to evolve some method of holding on if they are not to be swept away and end up in the sea .
15 Cranston pushed the tankard away and waddled out of the tavern to collect his horse and return to his house in Poultry .
16 Just for a second longer she stayed in Luke 's arms , her whole body trembling , before abruptly she moved away and walked over to the rail .
17 He parked the car a street away and walked back through a gauntlet of whispers and stony smiles .
18 Willie turned quickly away and walked out of the door , his ears smarting .
19 I was convinced he was about to do the same to me , when he suddenly appeared to notice the tent for the first time , shied away and crashed off into the trees .
20 I pushed my plate away and settled back with the wine .
21 I pushed my plate away and settled back with the wine .
22 Jenna snapped , spinning away and storming off towards the house .
23 He shoved the half-empty plate away and jumped up from the table .
24 With a tired little toss of the head , she turned away and sat down in an armchair , motioning for Golding to do the same .
25 After five minutes or so , one Messerschmitt — flown by ‘ Jochen ’ Müncheberg — was seen suddenly to break away and dive out of the sun onto the moored Sunderland in Marsaxlokk Bay .
26 Again he dashed away and held on in a close finish with Atlee Mahorn , who was desperately trying to salvage some Canadian credibility out of the evening .
27 Erm no seriously I think it really should n't take long , you 're quite right to sort this matter out but I think three people really should go away and come back with a suggestion or a couple of suggestions .
28 Disappointed , she turned away and slid back between the sheets .
29 Torrents of Spanish as I backed away and pulled out into the traffic .
30 She stood for several moments in front of the altar before turning away and walking back towards the door .
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