Example sentences of "number of [noun] [prep] the world " in BNC.

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1 Reports from Tehran on 22 September told of an attack that day on the city 's Mehrabad airport , which , like a number of others around the world , was used partly for civil and partly for military purposes .
2 The colourful pictures were much the same , the number of PWRs around the world had increased , but there was one major difference .
3 He is an internationally recognised expert in the economic and traffic impact of large developments , having presented and published a number of papers around the world .
4 Thus redefined , the number of slaves in the world is now greater than it was 150 years ago .
5 ‘ The number of containers in the world is going to double , ’ he predicts .
6 In fact this is already happening , quite fast , in a number of companies throughout the world .
7 ( The number of illiterates in the world was estimated at 1,000 million , including some 35 per cent of all women . )
8 As the right hon. Gentleman knows , a number of countries around the world are in recession , are heading towards recession or are coming out of recession .
9 There are , in fact only a limited number of sites in the world with sufficient tide range to make such schemes cost effective .
10 The number of peoples in the world who knew of these advantages and nevertheless persisted in rejecting them were few : to do so required a tenacity of purpose , an indifference to wealth and comfort which were not given to many .
11 But if we change our own scarcity belief , so that money flows more freely into our own lives , we have reduced — by one — the number of people in the world who struggle over money ; and we might choose to use some of our wealth to help others — not out of guilt , but out of love .
12 That is , it is possible to hold as true a number of theories about the world , it being impossible to choose between them on strictly evidential grounds .
13 These include $1 billion-plus mandates for Hanson Overseas BV , Chrysler , IBM , Tele-Communications Inc ( in two issues ) , the World Bank , and a number of governments around the world .
14 To do this , I must rely on the truth of a number of facts about the world , and about the optical properties of my eyes .
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