Example sentences of "number [prep] [noun] [prep] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Some prime numbers can usually be found that give a good transformation — in fact it is the high probability that any suitable prime chosen will do so , allied to the ease with which this technique can be used to fit any number of records into precisely the required storage space , that makes this such a convenient method .
2 But , in contrast , they may partly see the ad in this way a number of times during quite a short period .
3 It is from the third movement of the ‘ Lützow ’ Piano Concerto , k242 , and shows accentual emphasis put into sharp focus in a pattern of clear stroke over the first , dots over the following quavers — a pattern repeated a number of times in exactly the same manner .
4 Requesting the UN Secretary-General to draw up by March 1990 an action plan by UN bodies against drugs with specific goals and timetables , the resolution invited states to consider asking him to appoint a number of experts from both the developed and developing world , in order to enhance the efficiency of the UN in this area .
5 The study will select , on the basis of a general preliminary investigation , a number of NRLs in both the UK and US to investigate in detail .
6 Of a sizeable number of microlights by far the most interesting is the Mignet HM1000 Balerit G-MYDZ .
7 If the average number of keys in the inverted file records is A then : since the total number of terms in both the original and inverted files must be equal .
8 A number of objections of both a theoretical and normative nature can be raised against the model and the policy prescriptions that flow from it .
9 Four hours later the number of counts in both the 5 8 Co and 7 5 Se photo peak windows were determined .
10 As we saw in the case of the bacteria on a pin 's head , successive splittings into two can generate a very large number of cells in rather a short time .
11 Similarly , in these societies a large number of people on both the bride 's and the groom 's side are involved in an obligatory exchange of property of major significance .
12 There are an increasing number of theories about why the market-clearing real wage is not attained .
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